Thieves robbed Banco de Bogotá in the La Granja area on Calle 80


The new case of insecurity in the capital happened in the La Granja area, on Calle 80, when two criminals they broke the windows of Banco de Bogotá and entered the branch.

The curious thing about the theft is that the criminals did not take a single peso, but went for computers, according to Blu Radio, which draws the attention of the authorities.

In fact, in one of the robberies of the Teusaquillo headquarters of that same bank in December, the thieves even used firearms to take money.

Exactly from Banco de Bogotá on Calle 80 took two computer screens and a CPU, the authorities told the media, who deployed an entire operation to find those responsible.

It is the first time that such a case has occurred. We have some videos, but we don’t have personal identities, there is a vehicle that appears to be involved in the incident. By way of operandi they may be street dwellers, but we don’t know, we are collecting videos in the sector, “said Colonel Julio Salgar, commander of the National Police Operation for Citizen Security.
