They would have found the body of the young Peruvian who was thrown from a bridge – Other Cities – Colombia


In the department of Cauca, in the village of Las Mojarras, in the municipality of Mercaderes, they found what would be the skeletal remains of the young Peruvian Silvano Oblitas Cántaro Tolentino.

“At the bottom of a bridge they find what would be the skeletal remains that match the characteristics of the young man and progress is being made in their identification. We are in the process of investigating those responsible for these events, “said Brigadier General Pablo Ferney Ruiz, commander of the Metropolitan Police of Valle de Aburrá.

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The case of the 19-year-old caused sadness in Colombia when a video was known in which it is shown that some people throw him off a bridge.

At first, it appears that two men are questioning him. They ask him where he is from, to which he replies that he comes from Huánuco, a Peruvian city. One of the men, without saying another word, takes him by his clothes and throws him off the bridge. Then, he also throws his belongings.

“Delete it, what died died,” says one of the men.

(Also: Silvano Cántaro: this was the Peruvian who would have been murdered in Medellín)

Silvano Oblitas Cántaro Tolentino was in Medellín, where it is presumed that this event occurred.

The young man, according to the family, traveled to the country since last January 25 under the deceptions of a man named ‘Andrés’ to supposedly buy clothes and do a business. “It is clear that it is him, by his voice and his clothes”Said Janet Cántaro Tolentino, her sister, in statements to ‘El Comercio’, from Peru.

“A week ago he called me telling me that his friend left him alone in Medellín (Colombia), with nothing, without his things,” Janet told El Comercio, from Peru. Later, his relatives lost contact and reported his disappearance.

“My brother was a happy and humble young man, he has no precedent. He supported us financially. Since he was little he had religious beliefs and his whole family will remember him as a very cheerful and respectful young man. We ask that justice be done,” he said. another sister to the newspaper ‘El Comercio’.

(In context: What is known about the video of the young Peruvian thrown from a bridge)

This week the Colombian Prosecutor’s Office reported that a prosecutor from the Immediate Reaction Unit (URI) of Medellín activated the Urgent Search Mechanism to find Silvano. And he also ordered the CTI Judicial Police to carry out work to establish what happened to the young man.

