They rob the ‘Tino’ Asprilla in the Parque de la 93 in Bogotá


“See what just happened to me in Bogotá. Parque de la 93, I go down to an ATM, they broke my glass and took my bag from behind. Look at this, ”he said while showing a broken window.

And clarified that it all happened in the space of a minute, Well, he only went to withdraw money to have dinner at one of the restaurants in the place.

Faustino Asprilla He was accompanied by his friend ‘Caremonja’, who took advantage of the moment to lift his spirits with one of his usual jokes.

“Fausto, that bag It was cat brand, right? ”, but the popular ‘Tino’ did not allow himself to hesitate and gave continuity to the joke: “No, it was a Louis Vuitton and I still owe 78 installments ”.

After the robbery, Asprilla showed his boredom on Instagram, where he shared a video to indicate that he was fine and “Passing the scare” with his companions.

Hours before, ‘el Tino’ had participated in the ESPN channel of the opinion program in which he is a panelist and in which he appears daily.

They robbed ‘Tino’ Asprilla in Bogotá:

In video, the complaint of the former player from Tulue:
