They reveal the state of health of the young woman attacked with an ax


Ángela Ferro Gaitán, who was attacked with an ax, She recovers little by little despite the severity of the seven wounds caused by the man who would be her sentimental partner with an ax.

While the young woman fights for her life, members of the CTI and the Police continue on the trail of the aggressor.

See also: Woman fights for her life after being repeatedly attacked with an ax to the head

The medical report revealed that the woman’s state of health is favorable. Since his admission to the emergency service, all the attentions have been applied for a good clinical management of his situation.

In the last hours, the patient showed good recovery, but will continue to receive care until it is necessary.

To follow up on this case, a prosecutor from the Bogotá Femicide Unit and a prosecutor were assigned. The first task is aimed at capturing the alleged perpetrator who caused the seven head injuries to Angela Ferro.

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According to the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation, the man seriously injured her with one of the axes that he has in his home.

“For the criminal process, Angela’s recovery is absolutely important, not only because it concerns the life of a human being and the victim in this case of an alleged aggravated femicide in the form of an attempt, but because it will be known first voice for the best witness in this matter, what happened ”, explained the criminal lawyer Marlon Díaz.

The Prosecutor’s Office classified the crime of attempted femicide for Miguel Camilo Parra, who he attacked his partner in the presence of a minor who witnessed the events.

Also read: Worrying panorama of violence against women in Colombia

In Bogotá and some neighboring municipalities, the judicial police carry out several operations to find the whereabouts of the possible material perpetrator who escaped after committing the brutal criminal action.
