They report five deaths from covid-19, Caldas adds 56 deaths



The Territorial Health Directorate of Caldas reported this Sunday 72 new cases of covid-19 in the department.

In his report he also reported five deaths: two in Manizales, one in La Dorada, one in Supía and one in Villamaría. Thus in Caldas, 56 people have died from the coronavirus.

The new cases are in Anserma (7), Chinchiná (5), La Dorada (13), La Merded (1), Manizales (27), Marmato (8), Neira (1), Riosucio (1), Supía (2 ), Villamaría (7).

In La Dorada

There were 13 new cases, 13 recovered people and one deceased person, an 87-year-old man with underlying diseases.

“From the Territorial Health we call on citizens to take extreme self-care measures and leave their homes only if it is strictly necessary.”

In the Department, 2,822 cases have been confirmed, of which 1,599 have recovered, 1,160 remain active, of which 43 are hospitalized and 27 in Intensive Care Units.

This Tuesday begins in Colombia the stage decreed by the national government as the selective isolation in which most of the restrictions are lifted.
