They report 11 new cases of Covid-19 in the Valley, infected in Colombia are already more than 11,000


May 10, 2020 – 05:51 p. m.

Drafting The Country

The Ministry of Health reported this Sunday 568 new cases of Covid-19 in the country, of which 11 are in Valle del Cauca. In total, the number of those infected with the new coronavirus in Colombia reaches 11,063.

Health authorities also reported 18 new deaths in the country from this virus, which brings the number of fatalities to 463.

Minsalud also reported that 6,484 tests were processed today and that there are 2705 people recovered in Colombia.

New cases of Covid-19 were reported in: Bogotá (127), Amazonas (94), Cartagena (92), Barranquilla (37), Nariño (34), Huila (31), Tolima (27), Atlántico (26) , Meta (25), La Guajira (12), Valle (11), Córdoba (8), Boyacá (6), Bolívar (5), Cauca (5), Norte de Santander (5), Cundinamarca (5), Magdalena (5), Santa Marta (3), Sucre (2), Antioquia (2), Chocó (1), Putumayo (1), Caquetá (1), Quindío (1), Cesar (1) and Casanare (1).

With these 11 new cases, the number of those infected in Valle del Cauca reaches 1131. Cali continues to be the epicenter of this virus in the department, since it already has 1,052 people with Covid-19.

You can read: New advances in the search for the vaccine against Covid-19

Regarding the report of deaths from the new coronavirus, that of a girl of only 3 years of age in the department of Nariño stands out. According to the National Institute of Health, the minor did not have comorbidities.

This newsletter also reported on the death of an 89-year-old man in Dagua, Valle. The patient suffered from epoc, coronary heart disease and was a smoker.

As for the other 16 people who died from this virus, the Ministry of Health reported that they are:

  • 70 year old man in Leticia. Comorbidities under study
  • 82-year-old man in Puerto Nariño (Amazonas). Comorbidities: smoking.
  • 45-year-old man in Leticia. Comorbidities under study
  • 95 year old man in Neiva. Comorbidities: chronic kidney disease
  • 39-year-old woman in Melgar (Tolima). Comorbidities: polyneuropathy
  • 27-year-old man in Ibagué. Comorbidities: HIV.
  • 25-year-old man in Ibagué. Comorbidities: HIV
  • 77-year-old man in Bogotá. Comorbidities: kidney disease and HT.
  • 49-year-old woman in Soledad (Atlántico). Comorbidities: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
  • 52-year-old woman in Cartagena. Comorbidities: diabetes
  • 54-year-old man in Bogotá. Comorbidities: HTA, obesity- 89-year-old man in Dagua (Valle). Comorbidities: epoc, coronary heart disease, smoker
  • 63-year-old man in Bogotá. Comorbidities: HTA.
  • 67-year-old man in Bogotá. No comorbidities.
  • 65-year-old woman in Bogotá. Comorbidities: chronic kidney failure.
  • 80-year-old woman in Bogotá. Comorbidities: epoc, HTA, obesity.
  • 80-year-old man in Leticia, Comorbidities under study.

The death toll in Valle del Cauca is not encouraging, because with this last case reported in Dagua, the new coronavirus has already killed 77 people in the department (51 men and 26 women), of whom 54 are from Cali.

It should be remembered that the number of infected with Covid-19 in the world is close to 4 million and the number of deaths reaches 278,814 this Sunday, according to the report delivered by the Ministry of Health.
