They kill during robbery a vigilante who left his house


The man was intercepted by 4 criminals who were on two motorcycles, while He left his house located in the Madelena neighborhood, from the town of Ciudad Bolívar (south of Bogotá), Noticias Caracol reported.

As recorded in the video of a security camera in the area, released by that medium, the man was intercepted by the subjects and was attacked repeatedly.

The watchman, who refused to give up his backpackHe only wore his work uniform and the container in which he carried his lunch.

In the middle of the robbery, one of the criminals pulled out a knife and repeatedly attacked Pérez. According to the authorities’ report, cited by that newscast, there were 4 stab wounds that the citizen suffered.

After the criminals escaped, some neighbors came out to help the watchman and notify his wife. It was like this the worker was taken to Kennedy Hospital (South of the city).

In that medical center, according to his wife, the man received “disastrous care.” She says they didn’t want to give her a stretcher and that is why she had to leave the dying man on the floor. Eventually, his vital signs were taken and he was declared dead, the woman said in a dialogue with Citytv.

The residents of the sector told on that channel that are plagued by crime and that the presence of the Police is low compared to the number of criminals who do their own thing.

Meanwhile, the Police indicated that The security cameras in the area are already being reviewed to determine which path the criminals took, Noticias Caracol concluded.

This is the case report, published by Citytv:

Crime in Bogotá: this case recalled a similar one that occurred in December

On December 14, a woman was stabbed and beaten to steal her lunch coca. The events took place in the town of San Cristóbal (south of Bogotá), where 2 subjects attacked the woman to steal the bag in which she carried her food.

Two criminals ambushed the woman and attacked her on a street in the Santa Rita Sur Oriental neighborhood (south of the capital). She, who was going to work, did not resist, but her purse got tangled when thieves tried to snatch it away. This triggered a violent aggression on the part of the subjects.

“They attack me to take my bag; since they can’t remove it, they beat me. They give me leg and they stab me in the leg, ”the woman explained at the time.
