They investigate the mysterious death of the medical student Paula Andrea Martínez in Bucaramanga


Questions, astonishment and strange circumstances surround the death of the young medical student, Paula Andrea Martínez Rojas, 24 years old.

The lifeless body of Paula, who was in her final year of medicine at Unab, was found early Monday morning near a building under construction in the Puerta del Sol sector in Bucaramanga.

Although the first hypothesis that the authorities launched about her death was that of a possible suicide, people very close to the young woman say that she would have no reason to end her life, on the contrary, as a medical student, her fight was precisely to save lives. That is why they ask that the case be thoroughly investigated.

At the beginning of February, Paula had started her internship at the Santander University Hospital, HUS, where she worked shifts from Monday to Sunday.

Precisely, on Sunday at 4:30 in the afternoon, Paula requested a transport service on a platform to take her to her place of work. However, 12 hours later his strange death was reported.

Preliminary versions delivered by the authorities indicate that Paula did not arrive at the HUS and that the transport service would have dropped her off in front of the San Camilo Psychiatric Hospital, on 45th Street.

However, according to the verifications made by the agents of the Mobile Unit of the Criminalistics Laboratory of the Technical Corps of Criminal Investigation, CTI, of the Prosecutor’s Office, Paula’s entry was not registered there.

Sources directly related to the investigation and who were consulted by Vanguardia, indicated that there are many loose ends and circumstances that do not fit. One of the doubts that assails the investigators is “why, if Paula was left in San Camilo, did she appear lifeless hours later near the Puerta del Sol?”

Another question points to whether Paula had any apparent reason to end her existence.

People very close to the young woman reportedly told the authorities that she never expressed her intention to harm herself and had no motives either, since she was a brilliant student and passionate about her career.

“A person with the study of her and the knowledge she had does not make such a fuss, like sneaking into a building, going up to the 29th floor and taking her own life. It is very strange how and why he entered that place, ”said a person close to the investigation.

Documents and a cell phone were found at the scene of the events. “There were papers and questions of medicine, of appointments that he had with some patients. A cell phone is an iPhone that is under study and takes a few days because those devices are not easy to open. There may be information that leads us to clarify this death, “said one of the sources consulted.

Where is the driver?

One of the key pieces in the investigative process is the driver of the application that transported Paula.

“She took a car to San Camilo, but there is no record there. We are locating the application driver that transported it in order to establish where it took it. This will be the starting point of the investigation, ”explained one of the people analyzing the case.

In this regard, it was known that the transport application that Paula used the last day that she was seen alive, has already spoken. “Our support team is in contact with the relatives of the passenger, they were provided with all the information regarding the trip completed with us and they are available for any other information they require.”

Paula Andrea’s last lunch report at the University Hospital would have been on Friday, which could indicate that the weekend she would not have gone to fulfill her shifts.

“If you saw it, if you know anything, please do not hesitate to report it. It is extremely important to continue the investigation to clarify the context and circumstances. This is devastating, ”said a friend of Paula Andrea.

Regarding how Paula Andrea could have entered a private building, the source assures that if she entered of her own free will, perhaps she took advantage of the surveillance round.

“That building is more than one block, suddenly the guard when making a round leaves the rest short and anyone can climb the fence.”

The Police and the CTI advance a sweep where the lifeless body of the young woman was found in order to identify security cameras that allow them to collect more clues.

At the moment, both the CTI and the Police Sijín are carrying out the respective investigation, in order to clarify the details of this mysterious death.
