They investigate the murder of three people in El Tambo, Cauca


A new massacre was perpetrated in Colombia by unknown persons who murdered three people in a rural area of ​​the municipality of El Tambo, in the department of Cauca.

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The mayor of El Tambo, Carlos Vela, explained that the bodies were found in the Seguengue area, “A distant path and at least an hour from the municipal seat” and in limits with the town of Cajibío, also located in Cauca.

The official added that he is awaiting the results of the investigations into what happened in this case in which the bodies were found with their hands tied.

The mayor of El Tambo pointed to the FARC dissidents as the main factor of insecurity.

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The Observatory of the Institute for Development and Peace Studies (INDEPAZ), which classifies as a massacre the intentional and simultaneous homicide of three or more persons protected by International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and in a state of defenselessness, in equal circumstances of time , mode and place, He assured that if the massacre of this Saturday is confirmed, there would be 51 massacres perpetrated in Colombia this year, eight of them in Cauca.

Dissident groups from the FARC, the guerrillas of the National Liberation Army (ELN) and criminal gangs operate in that department that dispute that territory to dedicate it to illicit coca and marijuana crops.
