They investigate an alleged death from torture that they posed as a COVID-19 case


According to the portal, Mejía was captured on April 28 in the municipality of Santiago Nonualco, in El Salvador, along with 10 other people, after the prosecution accused him of the murder of soldier Jhonis Alexánder Delgado Canales, 20 years, occurred on April 26, 2019.

On May 6, Luis Iván’s family was in ‘shock’ when they were informed that he had died, because they knew that he was in good health and did not have any disease, the same newspaper indicates.

“They told us that he had died of coronavirus and that we should not veil it or open the box, but on the paper they gave us it said something else; In addition, if he had died of that coronavirus, they would not have delivered it to us, but rather one from the hospital, they would have taken him to bury, “Adela Mejía, mother of the dead man, told the same portal.

When a relative found out last Wednesday that Luis Iván Mejía was being transferred to the Santa Teresa hospital, his sister and a cousin ran there, but when they arrived they were told that he had died and both the doctors and the police did not They showed the body, details

Despite the fact that the doctors told Mejía’s relatives not to watch him and to bury him quickly because there was death from COVID-19, many doubted that version and opened the coffin before burying him.


To the great surprise, the body of the Salvadoran was handcuffed and beaten. His whole face was bloody and he was wrapped in a white sheet. They also noticed that their teeth were “chipped”, Although he always had good teeth, the portal details.

Although not reviewing the body in more detail, they took photos of his face and the wives, to make the complaint and request an investigation to clarify the facts.

For their part, the El Salvador police responded that, supposedly, a day before the deaths, Luis Iván Mejía presented a fever, body pain and vomiting blood, so he was transferred to the hospital, where he later died, ElSalvador adds. .com.

Regarding the handcuffs, Commissioner Óscar Aguilar, the police chief of the department of La Paz, said that the officers did not want to take them off due to a “health” issue.”, Ends that medium.

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Among them are informal workers and those who do not have a stable job to wait patiently at home until preventive isolation is lifted in its entirety.


Pulzo spoke to several street vendors who were forced to go out again with their cars and their products to bring some money and food to their homes.


One of them was Carlos, who chose the bridge of a Transmilenio station as a point, where hundreds of citizens continue to pass to get to their jobs, and to u201ccy, people are learning to live together with the virus. Already the need makes people go out u201d.



n n Coronavirus en Colombia mayo 11 n n



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Others, such as Mar u00eda and Fredy, reported that they lasted for several weeks still but that the money was no longer enough to u201cpay services u201d or rent and u201cya because there was no market in the house u201d.


Everyone knows that the number of those infected continue to grow and they agree that if they could, they would comply with the quarantine, but they have no choice but to go out wearing their masks, like Juli u00e1n:


u201cIf not working, not like u201d.


According to the "Institute for Social Economy" (Ipes), in Bogota there are u00a039,620 people dedicated to informal trade; 51% are women and 45% are over 51 years old.

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As I mentioned u00f3 u00a0 u2018I know everything u2019, the administrators of his residential complex, where his parents also reside, have prevented him from entering; this, despite the fact that 3 tests of COVID-19 have already been carried out, which have been negative, and that her medical insurance declared her as a recovered patient.


Now, in the middle of a chat with Time, the exreina assured that, after 44 days, she is still unable to enter the residential unit, which is located in the Cabecera neighborhood and, therefore, he had to get temporary accommodation in the city.



In the interview with the form, the model also assured that some of the symptoms she had as a result of the virus were high fever, dizziness and loss of sense of smell; in addition, he clarified that he did not infect any of the employees of the hotel where he stayed.


As for whether she violated the isolation standard, Pe u00f1uela assured that she arrived in Bogota on March 12, the date on which the Ministry of Health issued resolution 385, which It allows travelers to continue their journey to their final destination.


u201cIf the first landing place is not your final destination, the transfer between one place and another will be done with all the biosecurity measures u201d, explained the Ministry, at the time.



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In the video, which was widely shared on social media, you can see how the drunk driving a u00a0Volkswagen Golf tries to run over the motorcyclist, with whom it got involved in an altercation that could end worse.


The motorbike driver had to dodge the other attacks of the alcoholic after he crashed his vehicle, which was thrown on the floor, while the attacked man yelled and hit the u00a0Volkswagen with the helmet.


Subsequently, the police captured the violent drunk who wanted to escape from the scene, after getting out of his car and fighting with the victim of the assault.


According to the Clar u00edn newspaper, the u00a0Gilera 110 motorcycle red color was practically at a loss; u00a0 while the driver suffered minor injuries and was attended on site by medical personnel.



In addition, the officers who captured the aggressor had to quickly transfer him to jail, because the residents of the nearby apartments began throwing u201c stubborn objects. u201d in protest, adds the same newspaper.


Already at the police station they gave him a breathalyzer test and the man, whose name was not revealed, had him u00eda u00a0 u00a01.7 g / l (grams of alcohol per liter of blood), 3 times more than the amount allowed to circulate in the city of Buenos Aires, details the Argentine newspaper.


Despite the assault, driving drunk, violating quarantine, and even trying to elope, the man was released just 24 hours later, Clar u00edn ends.



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However, to doctors and nurses, for the most part, they have not been endowed with this type of protection, and that is why even the same congressmen criticized the Senate for wanting to use money to acquire 10,000 N95 masks.


After these questions, from the Administrative direction of the Senate it was confirmed u00f3, through a statement, that the purchase order process was canceled and the consultations (National Institute of Health) will be expanded in order to safeguard the integrity of the entity's human talent and the conditions of purchase of these inputs in the medium term u201d.


And is that u00a0Caracol News unveiled that the purchase of these items was 180 million pesos, and that from the entity it was argued that the objective was to u201c comply u201d with health standards, and that it was done u201thinking of the cost benefit u201d of what will last for a conventional one.


u201cRequires to acquire the personal protection elements tending to prevent and mitigate the risk of contagion of the coronavirus from honorable senators, officials and contractors u201d, the newscast explained.


That is why the coordinator for COVID-19 of the Leticia Hospital, Roberto Sandoval, said in the newscast that it seems to him "a lack of respect" with health personnel, who on many occasions have had to acquire these face masks with money from your wages.


u201c They are ignorant. We need specific protection measures and they - who are in the administrative part - counting on the specific protection measures, he added, the doctor added.



Senators like Ang u00e9lica Lozano, from the Green Party, and Carlos Fernando Motoa, from Cambio Radical, assured that the Congressmen and contractors can protect themselves with a surgical mask or u201 reusable cloth u201d, and for that reason they asked to desist from that purchase.

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The 7,537 tests that were processed in the last hours yielded 550 positive results that were distributed in u00a0Amazonas (191), Bogot u00e1 (150), Cartagena (56), Valle (36), Atl u00e1ntico (26), Barranquilla (26), Magdalena (12), Nari u00f1o (10), Boyac u00e1 (10), Bol u00edvar (7), Antioquia (6), Cundinamarca (6), Quind u00edo (4), Meta (4 ), Cauca (4), Huila (1) and Santa Marta (1).


The figures show that the department of the Amazon is becoming the new epicenter of the country, since the contagion is growing rapidly, as it is not comparable to Bogot u00e1 due to the abysmal difference of inhabitants.



n n Coronavirus pulmones n n



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The victims were recorded as follows:


In Bogot u00e1:
u2013 67-year-old man with a medical history of HT, diabetes and coronary heart disease.
n u2013 59-year-old man with diabetes and HTN.
n u2013 76-year-old woman with Epoc.
n u2013 74-year-old woman with diabetes and HTN.


In Cali:
u2013 Woman of 70 years with HTA.
n u2013 Diabetic man of 68 years.
n u2013 91-year-old man suffering from lymphoma, hypertension, diabetes and obesity.


In Cartagena:
u2013 78-year-old man with a history of hypertension and ischemic heart disease.
n u2013 68-year-old man with acute kidney failure.
n u2013 92-year-old man with Epoc.
n u2013 83-year-old woman with cardiopathy and protein-calcium malnutrition.
n u2013 75-year-old woman with comorbidities under study.



n n Anticoagulante (heparima) n n



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Anticoagulant identified that could slow entry of the coronavirus into cells



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In Leticia:
n u2013 84-year-old woman suffering from chronic kidney failure and diabetes.
n u2013 82-year-old man with HTA.
n u2013 88-year-old man with comorbidities under study.


Other cities:
n u2013 84-year-old woman in Barranquilla with medical background under study.


This is the bulletin u00edn:



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In the usual council of ministers during the pandemic, the head of state invited Archila to speak about the implementation of peace, right after they questioned the spending of resources from the Special Programs Fund for peace.


The first one last week, in which the Presidency signed a contract for 3,350 million pesos to position Duque's image on social networks.



n n Ivu00e1n Duque, presidente de Colombia. n n



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The FM uncovers a contract on Duque's positioning in networks; Presidency clarifies



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While the second one was known in the last hours and with which 480 million pesos were allocated in order to measure the Duke's Cabinet Approval Index u00a0tambi u00e9n with money from the Peace Fund.


For this reason, the Government wanted to lower the temperature of the critics and there were several results that Archila gave to point out that they have benefited the 8,900,000 victims for two months.


According to the high official, they have attended humanitarian emergencies, they have covered 2,000 homes with aid and they have responded to 750,000 people who needed support because they were displaced from the violence.


He also said that the program u2018Familias en acci u00f3n u2019 benefited 880,000 people and that the Land Restitution Unit prevented the impact on ethnic groups.



n n Lu00edder de proyecto para mejorar imagen de Duque en redes es cercano n n



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Leader of the project to improve the image of Duque is the son of his campaign manager



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Then they spoke of the 13,000 ex-combatants who are still in the process of reincorporating into civilian life, who have been given 100% financial support, Archila said, saying that u00a085% of they are already within the National Health System.


In addition, he added that the Government has protected those who continue in the old ETCRs by limiting the entry and exit to those places, where they also brought 8,600 hygiene kits to continue the u00a052 projects. collective productive and 1,300 individual in progress.


However, that security that the government claims to be providing contrasts with the figures released by the UN in the last hours, as it assured in a statement that there are 24 cases of murders, in 2020, of those who are committed to their reinstatement process u20f3n u201d.



n n Coronavirus colombia n n



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Coronavirus should not make peace in Colombia sick, UN warns



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This, precisely because of the murder of W u00edlder Daniel Mar u00edn, a member of the Farc, that occurred in Bello, last Saturday. U00a0According to the party, Mar's body was found involved in a colchu00f3n en llamasu201d en el barrio de Cabau00f1as, de ese municipio.


El exguerrillero desmovilizado estudiaba para ser auxiliar contable en el Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (Sena) y hacu00eda su reincorporaciu00f3n como asociado a la Cooperativa Multiactiva Tejiendo Paz (Cootepaz).


La Misiu00f3n de la ONU denuncia que desde el 25 de marzo, cuando Colombia empezu00f3 la cuarentena por la pandemia de coronavirus, seis exguerrilleros desmovilizados y al menos 32 lu00edderes sociales han sido asesinados en este pau00eds.


La explicaciu00f3n completa de Archila a partir del minuto 26:




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La celadora, que trabajaba en el edificio Luz Marina del barrio Rosales de Bogotu00e1, sufriu00f3 depresiu00f3n durante esas semanas en las que tuvo que soportar condiciones inhumanas para vivir por un mes en el su00f3tano y se le paralizu00f3 la cara como consecuencia de esto. Al ver sus complicaciones de salud, los residentes del edificio decidieron despedirla.


Ella le contu00f3 el pasado viernes al pau00eds el viacrucis que viviu00f3 en abril, conmocionu00f3 a miles de personas con su relato y despertu00f3 una ola de solidaridad hacia ella que ahora pide que les caiga el peso de la justicia a los residentes del edificio que la obligaron a quedarse internada allu00ed.


Sin embargo, el pasado su00e1bado la seu00f1ora Edy Fonseca sufriu00f3 una recau00edda en su estado salud y fue hospitalizada en la Clu00ednica del Occidente, en la localidad de Kennedy.


u201cSegu00fan su abogado, Nixon Cu00f3rdoba, la mujer padece de un cuadro de estru00e9s severo que la llevaru00eda a un tratamiento psiquiu00e1trico. Sumado a ello, sufre alzas en el azu00facar y se ha agravado su paru00e1lisis facialu201d, estableciu00f3 Blu Radio.



n n Colombiano con coronavirus que transportaba marihuana n n



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Desadaptado con coronavirus fue capturado en Caldas transportando 10 kilos de marihuana



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Ahora el caso de Fonseca lo asumiru00e1 un fiscal de la Unidad de Seguridad Pu00fablica de la Direcciu00f3n Seccional de Bogotu00e1.


El pasado su00e1bado, la alcaldesa Claudia Lu00f3pez aseguru00f3 que estaru00e1 pendiente de las investigaciones contra los responsables del abuso contra la celadora y opinu00f3 que dou00f1a Edy fue vu00edctima de trata de personas y explotaciu00f3n laboral.

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var gFirtsArticle = {"id":"PP896863","titles":{"main":"Les dijeron que muriu00f3 por COVID-19, pero cuando abrieron atau00fad estaba esposado y golpeado","facebook":"La familia exige una investigaciu00f3n que aclare los hechos.","seo":"Investigan presunta muerte por tortura que hicieron pasar por caso de COVID-19"},"phrases":{"main":"La familia de Luis Ivu00e1n Meju00eda pide a la justicia que investigue la muerte del joven de 30 au00f1os, quien estaba en la cu00e1rcel, acusado de matar a un soldado."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"mundo","name":"Mundo"}},"urls":{"main":"/mundo/investigan-presunta-muerte-por-tortura-que-hicieron-pasar-por-caso-covid-19-PP896863"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"danilo.beltran","name":"Danilo Beltran"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"","image":"","profile":"","url":"","twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":"","email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","short_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"article","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":"Mayo 11, 2020 07:57 pm","updated":1589227028,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Atau00fad coronavirus","credit":"Getty","description":"Investigan presunta muerte por tortura que hicieron pasar por caso de COVID-19","alt":"Atau00fad coronavirus","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":"","tags":["coronavirus","El Salvador"], "sources":[{"title":"Familia pide investigar muerte de joven por posible tortura en bartolina policial de Zacatecoluca","url":"","source":"El","fuente":"El"}], "related":[""], "body2": " n n

De acuerdo con el portal,u00a0Meju00edau00a0 fue capturado el pasadou00a028 de abril en el municipio de Santiago Nonualco, en El Salvador, junto a otras 10 personas, luego de que la fiscalu00eda lo acusara del asesinato del soldado Jhonis Alexu00e1nder Delgado Canales, de 20 au00f1os, ocurrido el 26 de abril de 2019.


El pasado 6 de mayo, la familia deu00a0Luis Ivu00e1n quedu00f3 en u2018shocku2019 cuando les informaron que habu00eda muerto, pues sabu00edan que u00e9l gozaba de buena salud y no tenu00eda ninguna enfermedad, indica el mismo medio.


u201cNos dijeron que habu00eda muerto de coronavirus y que no lo velu00e1ramos ni abriu00e9ramos la caja, pero en el papel que nos dieron decu00eda otra cosa; ademu00e1s, si hubiera muerto de ese coronavirus ni nos lo hubieran entregado, sino que de una del hospital lo hubieran llevado a enterraru201d, dijo al mismo portal Adela Meju00eda, madre del hombre muerto.


Cuando un familiar se enteru00f3, el pasado miu00e9rcoles, que au00a0Luis Ivu00e1n Meju00eda lo estaban trasladando al hospital Santa Teresa, su hermana y una prima salieron corriendo para allu00e1, pero cuando llegaron les dijeron que habu00eda muerto y tanto los mu00e9dicos como los policu00edas no les dejaron ver el cuerpo, detalla


A pesar de que los mu00e9dicos les dijo a los familiares de Meju00eda que no lo velaran y que lo enterraran ru00e1pido porque habu00eda muerte por COVID-19, muchos dudaron de esa versiu00f3n y abrieron el atau00fad antes de sepultarlo.



Para gran sorpresa, el cadu00e1ver del salvadoreu00f1o estaba esposado y con golpes. Toda la cara la tenu00eda ensangrentada y estaba envuelto en una su00e1bana blanca. Tambiu00e9n se percataron de que tenu00edan los dientes u201csaltadosu201d, a pesar de que siempre tuvo buena dentadura, detalla el portal.


Aunque no revisar mu00e1s a detalle el cuerpo, le tomaron fotos a su cara y a las esposas, para hacer la denuncia y pedir una investigaciu00f3n queu00a0aclare los hechos.


Por su parte, la policu00eda de El Salvador respondiu00f3 que, supuestamente, un du00eda antes de la muertes,u00a0Luis Ivu00e1n Meju00eda presentu00f3 fiebre, dolor en el cuerpo y vu00f3mitos con sangre, por lo que fue traslado al hospital, donde posteriormente falleciu00f3, agrega


Sobre las esposas,u00a0el comisionado u00d3scar Aguilar, jefe policial del departamento de La Paz, dijo que los oficiales no quisieron quitu00e1rselas por un tema de u201csanidadu201d, finaliza ese medio.



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