They find in the courtyard of a house the remains of Mary Gómez Mulett, the Colombian who disappeared in the United States


In a house located in South Florida, United States, the remains of Maria Gomez Mulett, the 44-year-old Colombian bacteriologist reported missing since the February 18, 2021.

The corpse of the woman was in the courtyard of the residence of Roberto Colon, the man she had married to regulate her stay on American soil.

The United States Police expressed their condolences with the relatives and stated that they will do justice in this case.

Mary and her husband did not live together, she lived in the apartment where she cared for her mother-in-law.

The Colombian disappeared after giving a car to her partner, who repeatedly accused her of fraud, He even reported her to the authorities for that crime.

Despite the fact that the police visited his home several times, they found nothing. Before the media, he said that he did not know his whereabouts and that I was unable to harm him.

The site where the bacteriologist’s body was found had been covered with a cement board.

Roberto Colón was arrested and now faces charges for first degree murder.
