They find a teacher beheaded inside a school in Yopal


Dismayed are the inhabitants of the municipality of Yopal, after it was found lifeless professor Diego Betancourt Higuera, who lived and worked at the El Triunfo Educational Institution (primary section) of the Palomas de Yopal village.

As reported by the authorities, the body was found near the door, with signs of having been attacked with a knife, more specifically at the neck where it has a deep cut. In addition, the victim had the vehicle key and his cell phone in his hands.

Members of the CTI of the Prosecutor’s Office were responsible for lifting the body, of which it was learned, He was attacked on December 30, but only until this January 1 was he found.

This occurs after he did not answer the phone calls of his girlfriend Constanza Paredes, who went to the school and when she found the lock on, asked a young neighbor who entered, who was the one who found him on the floor, so he proceeded to notify a police patrol that was prowling the sector.

The educational community of the capital of the department of Casanare lamented the situation and rejected the way in which Betancourt was assassinated, whom they describe as a person dedicated to the service of the teaching profession and his students from Tacarimena and El Triunfo.
