They filter controversial audio from Queiroz on violence against women


Carlos Queiroz referred to the situation of Sebastián Villa with the Colombian National Team in the press conference he offered this Monday. The Portuguese coach acknowledged that, beyond the player having a complaint for gender violence against him, he had it on the radar for the recent call he made and will continue to take it into account until the competent authorities in Argentina define the legal future of the athlete.

The journalist Sarah Castro asked the technician if it seemed necessary for the Colombian Football Federation to have a protocol to handle these cases of gender violence, to which Queiroz responded that what the institutions say should be expected since he is not a judge of a court.

However, in the last hours a whole controversy was unleashed on account of an audio that leaked after the press conference, since the microphone of the same was open. The recording is of the coach of the national team speaking with those who were present at the place where the virtual meeting with the media was held.

Castro was not satisfied with Queiroz’s response and criticized him on his Twitter account. They read to the strategist what the reporter wrote and he commented: “I am not the institution. She has to talk to the institutions. If all the men who take a punch from women went to the press to speak, the world would be screwed. “

The audio in question is going viral on social networks and it will surely be one of the topics that Queiroz will be asked about at his next press conference.

The Portuguese insisted on Monday that he is not a judge to evaluate the complaint against Villa and that he will limit himself to seeing the performance of the winger in the games he plays with Boca Juniors.

Tonight all the summoned footballers who play in Europe arrive in Barranquilla and this Tuesday the first training session with the full group will take place. Colombia will play against Uruguay next Friday, November 13, at 3:30 pm

Audio of Carlos Queiroz talking about women’s violence

Next, the controversial recording that was disseminated through social networks:
