They denied the visa to Dominic Colombia, famous German youtuber


Dominic believes that he is not being treated like other foreigners in Colombia. “I am not asking for better treatment than other foreigners in Colombia. I am not asking for an easier visa just because I am making viral videos about Colombia. The only thing I ask is that they treat me the same as the other foreigners living in Colombia and that is what did not happen with my visa“.

According to him, two years ago, in 2018, he applied for a type M visa (which is granted for those who do not meet the requirements of the type R): “According to the law, (the type M) is given for three years. They gave it for two years and now it expired. In other words, they didn’t give it to me for three years, like other foreigners, although I met all the requirements. “

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So with the M visa expired, Dominic applied for the resident visa: “And now, instead of correcting the mistake of two years ago, my new visa application was simply inadmissible.”

“Currently there is no other option for me to request another type of visa. Right now I continue to pay taxes, I continue to pay rent and I continue to pay social security in Colombia, all always on time and in accordance with the law.”

Dominic He says he does not know what to do because he does not want to leave Colombia: “On the one hand, I need the health and well-being of my family. On the other hand, I need to live in Colombia. I don’t need more. Colombia is the only country where I do feel at home. Here, in Germany, I don’t feel at home. I’m still here knowing that Colombian culture is the one that I love the most and that it brought me the most happiness in my life. “
