They assassinate Libardo Parra, powerful former Barranquilla – Investigative Unit


Libardo de Jesús Parra, alias Flaco or El Guajiro, a hardened ex-narco-trafficker, was assassinated Wednesday night in a chain store in Barranquilla.

Security cameras and witnesses show how hit men who arrived in a white Chevrolet Spark car and a high-cylinder motorbike, braked at the level of 82nd street with 53rd race and shot Parra, who was extradited in the 90s and had returned to the city in 2016.

Two of Parra’s escorts managed to react, and in the middle of the exchange of shots ‘El Guajiro’ died and the supermarket cashier was injured: Katherin Martínez Sarmiento.

(We invite you to read: The two luxurious narcohaciendas seized from a powerful capo)

Libardo Parra

This is the moment when the cashier who was injured in the criminal action against Libardo Parra is taken to a hospital.

Official sources link Parra with the structure of Alberto Orlandez Gamboa, alias Caracol.

Parra González was the leader of an organization, coordinator of drug shipments abroad, and at the same time contributed capital to obtain narcotics. He was captured in Maracaibo (Venezuela).

(You may be interested: The favor that the mafia asked the FARC 2 days after the Gómez crime)

At the time, he was pointed out as a key part of the so-called ‘Costa cartel’ and head of security for the ‘Caracol’.

Authorities assured that the capo was traveling in an armored truck and had a 5-man security scheme.

In addition, that upon his return to the country it would have been related to a local policy.

The supermarket employee remains in an intensive care unit after being hit by a bullet in the chest.

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