They ask to review measures after agglomerations on the beaches of Puerto


Faced with the risk of a Covid-19 outbreak such as the one that is experiencing in some European countries, President Iván Duque assured that precautions are not being taken on several beaches in the country or respecting biosafety protocols.

“Severe outbreaks that can lead to drastic measures being taken in some regions of the country. We have called on the local authorities that this type of behavior cannot be allowed because we are putting many people at risk, the pandemic has not gone away. We have to continue to maintain controls, ”Duque said.

The president warned: “Crowds are a threat to the lives of many people, those who are inducing these agglomerations to occur are violating the rules of a health emergency ”.

The pronouncement of the head of state comes after a tour made by EL HERALDO where the high number of people on the beaches of Puerto Colombia could be seen, without the use of face masks and without the distance of two meters required by the protocol established by the Ministry of Health.

This is the Governor speaking.

Faced with the numerous complaints about the lack of sanitary measures on the beaches of Puerto Colombia, Governor Elsa Noguera asked the Extraordinary Committee of Beaches of this municipality to meet and evaluate what happened during the holiday bridge.

“It is urgent that they meet to review the protocols,” Noguera wrote on his Twitter account.

In that sense, The governor insisted that decisions be made in such a way as to allow greater control of the capacity for tourists to comply with biosafety standards and protocols.

The governor called on citizens who go to spas, especially Pradomar beaches, to become aware of the importance of self-care.

He highlighted the good behavior and organization in other municipalities in the coastal zone such as Tubará and Juan de Acosta. “The message is that we cannot lower our guard,” he said.

The departmental president also told the mayors of the Coastal Zone that they have the support of her administration.

Call of the Dimar.

The General Maritime Directorate (Dimar) –through the frigate captain Carlos Urbano, captain of the Port of Barranquilla– spoke on “the news” given by the non-compliance of the rules on the beaches during the weekend.

“We call on the tourist union to comply, comply safely and fully with each of these measures “.

The captain said that Dimar works with local authorities, in order to increase the levels of control and support in the 17 beaches with a tourist vocation that the department has.

The representative to the Chamber Martha Villalba also spoke about the agglomeration of bathers and pointed out the situation as worrisome.

“I believe that the Mayor’s Office needs to take more drastic measures, have the presence of the Police to control the entrance to the municipality,” said the congresswoman.

He stated that the actors in the sector must contribute to ensuring that the measures adopted are respected. He cited the transporters, so that they do not fill the buses, and the caseteros to help put a “stop” when the beach is full.

“At the rate we are going, the strict quarantine can return at the end of the year. Health and the economy will be at stake again. We are not prepared for another eventual mandatory isolation ”, concluded the congresswoman.

To assess what happened in Puerto Colombia, the municipal authorities met yesterday in a government council, in order to decide on new measures. At the end of this edition the conclusions of said meeting were not known, which was announced to this medium by the Secretary of Health of the Port.
