They ask that the replacement of Vice President Marta Lucía Ramírez be from the opposition


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Faced with the possible resignation of the conservative leader to seek the presidential candidacy, Senator Roy Barreras asked Congress that his successor be against the government to seek a counterweight.

The candidates for the presidency who are in the Executive have just a few days left to resign from their positions if they do not want to be disqualified for the 2022 elections. Among those who have the calendar against them is Vice President Marta Lucía Ramírez, who does not has ended up deciding whether or not to leave office to aspire to be the first president of Colombia.

While the conservative leader makes a decision, from different shores they have begun to make accounts about their position. One of the last to join the calls was Senator Roy Barreras. With a trill, he asked that Ramírez’s possible successor be from the opposition to try to balance the charges in the political arena.

Barreras recalled in the communication that it is Congress that should choose the replacement of the vice president and summoned the independent parties (Liberal Party and Radical Change) to join the opposition in the election of a new vice president. “I challenge parties declared independent to join the opposition and propose an independent vice president to balance this government lame with the right leg,” were the words of the Valle del Cauca senator.

Roy Barreras’ message came in response to the president’s statement that he would again seek a woman to occupy the vice presidency in the event that Marta Lucía Ramírez resigned to run for the 2022 presidential elections. This was the reason why the former senator of The U recalled that the decision of Ramírez’s successor depended on the Legislative and not on the Executive.

Although Barreras’ proposal did not have major repercussions, Senator Ciro Ramírez, from the Democratic Center, had a mocking response to the proposal. “Senator Roy, I beg you to be patient as President Duque is going to call you to invite him to the Casa de Nariño and reach a consensus with you and the opposition for the new vice president. And he also sends you greetings ”, were the words of one of the members of the government bench.

Senator Roy Barreras was not the only one to speak out about the possible fate of the vice presidency. Former president and former senator Álvaro Uribe was another of those who spoke about the issue to say that Marta Lucía Ramírez’s party origin should be respected, so that position would have to go to a Conservative Party file.

This position agrees with what has been said by the blue cloth community, which for some time has been asking for priority in the vice presidency in the case of Ramírez’s resignation. The president of the conservatives, Omar Yepes, has reiterated in different spaces that whoever succeeds the vice president “should be a conservative, a product of that agreement that was made before the presidential elections.”
