They are looking for ‘Chiqui Porris’ and two cronies, escaped from CAI of Police in Kennedy


Henyerber Johan Torres Castillo, ‘Chiqui Porris’, imprisoned for aggravated homicide, since May last year, managed to escape from justice together with Antony José Gregorio Cáceres Castellanos and Willinton Duván Suescún Torres.

The three men fled around 2:30 a.m. on Saturday, after cutting off a part of the fence that overlooks the air tank of the Immediate Attention Command (CAI) of the Kennedy neighborhood.

Read also Three detainees escaped from CAI Kennedy

When the police on duty became aware of the fact, they notified the radio station and immediately the alert was initiated to find the recapture of the three alleged criminals.

Because ‘Chiqui Porris’ and Cáceres Castellanos are from Venezuela, the authorities deployed an operation in the informal steps, as well as in the surroundings of the Juan Atalaya citadel, where the escape occurred. However, as of press time, the men remained at large.

Alleged murderer

Torres Castillo is accused of the murder of his compatriot Jean Carlos Gómez Odeh, occurred on February 25, 2020 and for which he was deprived of liberty.

‘Chiqui Porris’, who turns 27 this Tuesday, was imprisoned since the afternoon of May 26, When the CAI Mercedes police officers asked several people in that area for information and approached him, who worked as a window cleaner on Avenida Diagonal Santander.

After verifying, they realized that he had an arrest warrant for murder. At that time, a judicial source assured that ‘Chiqui Porrris’ allegedly murdered Gómez Odeh, hitting him with a stone in the face when he was sleeping in a lot on 11th Street with Avenida Diagonal Santander.

The other fugitives

Antony José Gregorio Cáceres Castellanos had been indicted since February 2020, allegedly for extorting money from a Cúcuta merchant.

Cáceres Castellanos fell prisoner after Gaula and the Prosecutor’s Office surprised him and another man, receiving $ 2 million as a result of a payment demanded from the victim, whom they intimidated through WhatsApp, identifying themselves as members of the ELN guerrilla.

Meanwhile, Willinton Duván Suescún Torres had not been detained at CAI Kennedy for two weeks. The man was captured on 9th Street in the Niña Ceci neighborhood, inside a premises when he committed a theft with a revolver with three cartridges, without permission to carry or possess it.
