These are the mobilizations that are expected in Bogotá for this Wednesday


University students, recyclers and environmentalists have scheduled demonstrations in different parts of the city. The Directorate of Criminal Investigation and Interpol (Dijin) warns that the protest of students can be violent.

For this Wednesday, different mobilizations were organized in Bogotá by students, waste pickers and environmental groups. The meeting places are the Secretary of the Environment of Bogotá, the Pedagogical University and Carrera 18 with Calle 84 and, although the call of those who call the demonstrations is for them to be peaceful, the Directorate of Criminal Investigation and Interpol (Dijin) warned that some of the protests can be violent.

The demonstration that will be presented earlier is that of the waste pickers, which was called for 8:00 am at Carrera 18 with Calle 84. It is a sit-in with which the servers seek to defend their work. “We have to fight for the defense of the waste pickers’ right to work and to pay for the service provided in the city,” says the call.

Later, at 10:00 am another mobilization is expected by environmental groups, which will be planted for a few hours in front of the Bogotá Environment Secretariat, which is located on Caracas Avenue with 54th Street. Hours later, at 3:00 pm the protesters will march to the Aqueduct and Sewerage Company of Bogotá. Environmentalists announced that they are marching in defense of water and life.

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Finally, university students called a protest at the Pedagogical University, which is located in the north of the city, on 72nd Street. The demonstration is scheduled to begin at 10:00 am According to the students, they will protest for three reasons : “Police brutality, impunity and state terrorism”.

The young people have planned to block 72nd Street, Caracas Avenue and 15th, 13th, 11th and 9th races. Regarding the latter, the Dijin warned that this protest could be violent and that it will affect some district entities and Police officials . “Through these activities the reactivation of violent mobilization in the country would be sought, generating scenarios of anxiety and alteration of public order,” says the entity in the alert.

For the moment, the Government Secretariat indicated that, as usual, the mobilizations will be accompanied by coexistence managers. For Friday, February 26, marches are also expected by education workers.
