These are the guidelines for the third day without VAT in Colombia | Economy


The Ministries of Commerce, Industry and Tourism and the Interior, issued in the last hours a joint external circular, in which the guidelines for the third day without VAT were defined, which will be held on November 21.

(The store expects to increase its sales by 30% on the day without VAT).

These are measures that both district and municipal governors and mayors of the country must comply with within the framework of their legal and constitutional powers.

The call is for it to be adopted and guaranteed the strict compliance with the biosafety protocols in development on this day, which is part of the campaign “Get up early in December and Buy what is ours”, launched last week.

According to the circular, It is necessary to suspend the face-to-face sale of electrical appliances, computers and communications equipment, as a preventive and control sanitary measure, in all commercial establishments in the national territory considered large surfaces.

(Low family income, prelude to days without VAT).

In the same way, instructions must be given so that the withdrawal of the products acquired in a virtual way is carried out on a scheduled basis in the stores within the following two weeks, counted from the date on which the purchase was made without VAT.

Likewise, In order to guarantee the normal development of the day and avoid crowds and / or congestion of the virtual platforms, it is essential to allow the operation of the commercial establishments 24 hours a day.

The circular also says that the Ministry of Health and Social Protection may issue additional restrictions for the development of the day’s work without VAT in the municipalities considered highly affected by the Coronavirus.

It also contemplates the establishment of massive and clear campaigns that allow people to flow to the different shopping centers, In compliance with the provisions issued by the National Government in matters of biosafety, promoting social discipline, civic culture, correct use of face masks, self-care and maintenance of safe distances between people, mainly.

“With the third day without VAT we want to achieve the same purpose of the two previous days. In other words, to provide relief so that many families across the country have access to goods and services. That is why we have made decisions based on information and with the support of experts. Our interest is to take care of the health of Colombians, but at the same time achieve a great impact in terms of reactivation ”, said the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism.

It is about responsible consumption in compliance with biosecurity measures, which in turn will boost the economy and preserve the employment of many nationals, added the Minister.


The National Government also urged the municipal authorities to immediately impose the sanctions that may apply for non-compliance with sanitary measures, such as the closure of the establishment and to inform and train workers and make the Ministry’s guides available to them. of Health and Social Protection, in everything related to the prevention of Covid-19, in order that they are also multipliers of information to users and consumers.
