There are already 30,000 vaccinated by covid in the country – Government – Politics


After President Iván Duque will report this Saturday that more than 30,000 citizens have been vaccinated against covid throughout the country, the Ministry of Health confirmed that 33,140 doses have been applied, according to the latest report of the vaccination plan.

The figure is cut off at 4 in the afternoon of this Saturday, February 20. In Bogotá, 12,582 doses have been applied.

(Also: 192,000 vaccines against covid-19 from Sinovac arrived in Colombia)

(In other news: The keys to understanding the presidential coalitions by 2022)

Vaccines against covid-19 applied February 20

Vaccines against covid-19 applied February 20

The president also spoke about the arrival of 192,000 more doses of this immunization from China.

“We had told Colombians that we planned to start the vaccination process today, February 20, but we started earlier and by now we have over 30,000 vaccinated throughout the national territory,” Duque said.

The head of state thanked the Chinese government for the arrival of these new doses of the Sinovac brand and said that this was achieved thanks to “teamwork”.

(Also read: Appointment between Peñalosa, Char and Gutiérrez is enlisted for the next few days)

The Chinese Ambassador to Colombia, Lan Hu stated that “the fight against the pandemic has always been the priority of our bilateral cooperation between both countries “.

“We wanted to thank the government and the Colombian people for the trust that the Sinovac vaccine has placed in this vaccine and we hope that this vaccine, as a public good of the world, can play a more positive role in this battle,” said the diplomat.

Colombia adds another 174 deaths from covid-19

The Ministry of Health confirmed 174 more deaths from covid-19 in Colombia, of which 149 correspond to previous days. With this update, the total number of deaths in the country rises to 58,685.

This Saturday, February 20, the health authority also reports 5,017 new infections in the last 24 hours, after 26,698 PCR tests and 19,638 antigens were processed.

More details: (Colombia adds another 174 deaths from covid-19; there are 5,017 new cases)

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