The video of the brutal police attack that led to the death of an unworthy man in Colombia


Javier Ordóñez, a 43-year-old lawyer from Bogotá, He died at dawn this Wednesday after being brutally attacked by two policemen who tried to transfer him for arrest for being in a state of derangement on the street.

The procedure, which was recorded on video and went viral on social networks, shows how The agents kick, punch, and repeatedly shock Ordóñez with a taser gun, who, rendered on the floor, pleads “please” not to continue electrocuting him.

Witnesses who recorded the video also begged the police to stop giving him electric shocks, which did not stop for a period of five minutes. approximately.

Then the patrols proceeded to take Ordóñez, completely defeated, in a police vehicle to transfer him to the CAI (Police station). With him they also transferred another person who was recording the procedure, who was taken away his cell phone and handcuffed.

The events took place in the Villa Luz neighborhood, in the town of Engativá in Bogotá, and according to Colonel Carlos Amaya, operational commander of the Police, they were unleashed because the agents were called to the sector for the report of a fight.

According to the colonel, when the two uniformed men arrived, they found eight people in an apparent state of distress and when they tried to disperse them, they reacted violently.

The police must subdue them and some people are taken to the CAI. One shows discomfort in her physical health and is immediately transferred to the nearest medical center. Unfortunately she arrives without vital signs. The police inform the criminal investigation body, which will carry out the respective acts of lifting and investigating this case. The police are also warning their disciplinary affairs unit to clarify what has to do with the unfortunate death of this citizen, ”said Colonel Amaya.

Having him beaten on the ground and begging for them to stop electrocuting him did not stop the officers who, according to witnesses, after transferring Ordóñez to the station continued to beat him to death.
Having him beaten on the ground and begging for them to stop electrocuting him did not stop the officers who, according to witnesses, after transferring Ordóñez to the station continued to beat him to death.

The version contrasts with that of other witnesses to the events who were with the lawyer Ordóñez, who in dialogue with Blu Radio related what happened: “We were sharing a few drinks, we went out to buy more. A patrol passed by and asked us for documents, we handed them to them. One of the officers told my friend: ‘you can’t save this from this’. My friend (Javier) told him, well I pay them the summons. If they felt attacked, it was not the fact that they gave them the five electric shocks ”.

According to this testimony, once at the station Ordóñez and the other man they took with him were allegedly “beaten to death”, aggravating their health.

When I arrived at the CAI my friend was passed out and my other friend, the one who had been handcuffed, the one who was filming, told me: “they just beat him to death”. I told them to help me get him at least to the clinic. If I don’t arrive, they don’t even take it. We put him on the patrol, we arrived at a clinic and the doctor came out almost immediately and said that he had died, “said the witness, who stressed that the doctor who treated his friend said that the death was the result of the beatings.

“They killed him in the CAI of Villa Luz”, Elvia Bermúdez, aunt of the deceased lawyer, also told the same radio station.

She maintains that around 1:00 am the guard of her building called her to inform her that her nephew was being beaten by two policemen. “My nephew was chatting with two more friends in the apartment, I didn’t know,” he said.

She said that after the multiple shocks with the taser and the blows that she herself saw, the policemen lied to her because they claimed that they would take Ordóñez to the La Granja Immediate Response Unit (URI).

“It turns out that it was a lie because they took him to the CAI of Villa Luz, it was in the CAI of Villa Luz that they killed him (…) I want this case not to go unpunished, for those thugging police to be punished, ”he added.

The death of Javier Ordóñez once again raises criticism of police procedures and the excessive use of force in them. In less than a year there have been two iconic cases of police abuse, such as the murder of Dilan Cruz amid the protests of the National Strike in November 2019 or the death of Anderson Arboleda in early June after a brutal beating of hands of the Police.

Regarding the case, there have already been pronouncements from the mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, and the Minister of Defense, Carlos Holmes Trujillo, rejecting what happened and announcing investigations and sanctions.

López affirmed that the District would provide all its psychosocial and legal accompaniment services to the victim’s family to initiate a judicial process against the offending police officers, in addition to ensuring that joint work will be started with the Attorney General’s Office and the Ombudsman’s Office to reform the police institution in the Colombian capital.

Holmes, for his part, rejected the facts and said that they are contrary to the institution’s vocation, reiterated that an investigation will be carried out to clarify this situation and punish those involved if necessary.

According to the police authorities, the two aggressors they were removed from the streets and transferred to “administrative tasks”, a measure that has caused rejection in public opinion as it is considered minor given the gravity of the facts.

The case is already in the hands of the Attorney General’s Office, which gave priority to the investigation by “Alleged irregularity in police procedure in the city of Bogotá.”


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