The Valley records three new deaths from Covid-19, cases exceeded 1550 this Thursday


May 14, 2020 – 05:11 p. m.

Drafting of El País

Three new victims have caught the Covid-19 pandemic in Valle del Cauca. According to the latest report from the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, two people died in Cali and one in Buenaventura.

In the Valle del Cauca capital, an 89-year-old woman with Epoc and a 65-year-old man, who registered the same disease and smoking, lost their lives. On the other hand, in Buenaventura a 56-year-old woman died with diabetes as a pre-existing disease.

The other 13 deaths that occurred in the country took place in Manizales, Bogotá, Cartagena, Tumaco, Leticia, Mosquera (Nariño), Pueblo Viejo (Magdalena) and Malambo (Atlántico).

Also read: “When the vaccine is in place, the Covid-19 would already be gone,” says Italian scientist

This Thursday, when the record number of 680 new coronavirus cases was reported in the country, after the analysis of 5251 tests, the number of infected in Colombia increased to 13,610, while the deaths rose to 525 and the number of recovered is already out of 3358.

The new diagnoses correspond to Bogotá with 207 patients, Cartagena (108), Valle (79), Barranquilla (66), Amazonas (53), Atlántico (49), Nariño (38), Magdalena (17), Santa Marta (16) , Antioquia (10), Cundinamarca (9), Córdoba (9), Bolívar (7), Caldas (4), Risaralda (3), Boyacá (2), Meta (2) and Norte de Santander (1).

With these new cases, Valle del Cauca reached the figure of 1,557 infected, surpassed only by Bogotá, where 4892 are already registered. Atlántico is third in the number of positives for the new coronavirus with 1,383, followed by Bolívar with 1,051 and Meta with 940. .

The situation of the coronavirus worldwide is 4,308,809 infected, 298,680 dead and 1,578,135 recovered.
