The unusual proposal to build a ‘protestodrome’ that is still viewed favorably today


Former Bogota councilor Diego Molano spoke on the subject at the beginning of 2019. The unusual proposal to build a ‘protestodromo’ that is still viewed favorably today.

Through a video, the then lobbyist and today director of the Administrative Department of the Presidency of the Republic spoke of the construction of a site for citizens to gather to protest.

“In the last year, one out of every three days we have been in protests. Is that nonconformity or manipulation? The worst thing is that the protests are becoming more violent and end in destruction,” Molano said in May 2019.

“That is why what we want to propose is a novel idea so that those of us who want to protest can comply with it, but that it does not end in violence. We propose the protestodrome,” added the councilor in his video.

Today, a year and a half later, the official took up his idea through a trill: “I made this proposal almost 2 years ago when I was a Bogotá councilor. If it had been implemented, how many lives, CAIs and buses would have been saved?” , wrote.

According to his proposal, the ‘protestodromo’ was a site for 50,000 people, with dummies to destroy, stations to be painted with graffiti and no abuse of authority.

Although the idea was a parody, Molano took it up again to reiterate his call so many months later, when the country is going through a new day of protests. “The central message is the same: the protest cannot end in violence and less in vandalism,” he trilled.

The unusual proposal to build a ‘protestadrome’ that is still viewed favorably today

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