The truth behind the viral photo of a woman who allegedly abandoned her dog


Acosta said he did not know of the publications that alluded to the alleged case of abandonment, until His family showed him the image that caused a stir in networks.

In the first place, he pointed out that —different from what had been mentioned— the events occurred on February 27, and not the first of March.

It highlights that Mía, as her pet is called, was chasing her when she was moving. She explains that the move was only two blocks long and that is why her husband was carrying, on foot, a piece of furniture in a fox and that he was being accompanied by the pet.

The woman explained to Vegetables that, although “normally the dog listens and is very obedient to my husband, in this case, she ran after the car when she saw that I started and began to chase me. What I do is go over and ask a neighbor for the favor to help me get the dog up ”.

Stressed that after that he came with the pet to the new home, where her daughters were waiting for her.

He assured that Mia is still with them, contrary to what was mentioned in several publications, where they assured that she had been taken out of the car.

One of the publications assured that the case occurred in the town of Chapinero, and that his dog was in a place of passage. Acosta assured that this was not the case and that the day the images were taken she was in the town of Suba, in the Las Mercedes sector.

This is one of the publications that denounced the alleged case of abandonment:

Estefany Acosta told in this medium that she is aware of how delicate the accusations are by animal abuse. That is why he published a video, with his pet, explaining what happened to the case.

He added that the District Institute for Animal Protection and Welfare contacted them and told them that there have recently been more cases of false accusations of animal abuse.

Regarding the complaint made by the Federation of Entities Defending Animals and the Environment of Colombia (Fedamco), he pointed out that this group withdrew the trill made with the accusations. “There it is shown that this was something false, that not even they had proof that this information was true.”

However, after he deleted the complaint, Fedamco stressed that before publishing it he tried to corroborate the accusation with photos and videos of the case. However, he has not published them.

About this performance, the woman said: “I think it was just something for them to hide behind why they published that, because they have not even shown the evidence that they supposedly have. They would not have withdrawn the trill, if they had the proof. They have not come to us with any photos or videos, because there are none ”.

On who could take the images that caused the complaint, he handles two hypotheses. “They could have been taken by a malicious person or by some defender of the animals who imagined I do not know what things and did not wait to see what I did next ”.

After the publications of the case, he assured that he has received threatening messages and that his relatives have “delusions of persecution” because they have been affected by “Harsh and hurtful comments” that have been published, without knowing the context of the images.
