The trill of the mayor of Medellín, Daniel Quintero, which sparked a great controversy


In the last hours, social networks have been very agitated by calls for the recall of several mayors, including that of Daniel Quintero. With the hashtag #RevocatoriaDanielQuintero, many users of the networks and political personalities in Antioquia have launched a campaign for the Paisa mayor to leave his post.

Although the mayor of Medellín has not spoken specifically on this issue, he did say on his Twitter: “The future looks like us. Medellín no longer belongs to them. Colombia no longer belongs to them ”.

The reactions of his detractors have not been long in coming and political tensions in the Antioquia capital will undoubtedly intensify between Quintero and those who want him to leave office early.

In Medellín there is already an organized committee seeking its revocation. According to Mayor Quintero, a large sum of money was raised to sponsor the movement that seeks to overthrow him.

His tenure is still three years away and it remains to be seen if social media trends can actually materialize in a recall of the mayor of Medellín or if it is pure noise. These initiatives are time-consuming processes that require more than Twitter messages. Meanwhile, the mayor continues with his government plan.
