The reason why José Néstor Pékerman would not reach the Chilean National Team


José Néstor Pékerman is one of the names that has sounded to reach the Chilean National Team, before the imminent departure of Colombian Reinaldo Rueda.

However, Juan José Buscalia, Argentine journalist from ‘Blu Radio’, told this Thursday in ‘Blog Deportivo’ the reason that kept Pékerman away from the southern team.

Jhon Duque: “I come to be part of the change, to achieve things like the ones I won in Colombia”

“Chile thought seriously about José Néstor Pékerman, but Pékerman was bothered by the arrival of the famous Spanish manager, he does not like the model of having a person make decisions for him who does not work on the coaching staff“said Buscalia.

“Today, with that figure of the sports deputy director, Pékerman hardly reaches Chile“, concluded the communicator.

“Reinaldo Rueda will put his will and his step to the Colombian National Team will be defined in a matter of hours”

As it transpired in recent days, another name that interests the Chilean team is also Argentine Ariel Holan, current coach of the Catholic University of that country.

It should be remembered that José Pékerman was the coach who qualified the Colombian National Team for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil and Russia 2018, in which he reached the quarterfinals and the eighth finals, respectively.
