The puyas and the winks of the presidential in Barranquilla


Several of the possible presidential candidates for the 2022 elections they met in Barranquilla this Thursday, within the framework of the II North Forum that took place in the glass cube of the Plaza de la Paz.

The event that delved into the “Democracy and disinformation” It had the participation of Sergio Fajardo, former Antioquia governor and pre-candidate; Paloma Valencia, senator of the Republic; Roy Barreras, senator and candidate; Mauricio Cardenas, former Minister of Finance that sounds in the conservative deck; Eduardo Summer, former governor of the Atlantic and pre-candidate for the Liberal party; Juan Manuel Galán, senator; Dilian toro, president of the U party, and other representative figures of national politics.

Likewise, virtually participated Humberto De la Calle, former vice president and possible candidate; Iván Cepeda, senator of the Republic.

This would be the first face to face of the different candidates since the presidential deck began to sound.

In the middle of the meeting, in addition to presenting his position on “Fake news”, Lies through social networks, and the regulation of freedom of expression, the country’s presidents took the opportunity to launch criticism and winks at their opponents, as well as their perception of the elections that come in 2022.

Encontronazo of the center and uribismo

For Sergio Fajardo, social networks have been used for the “anything goes” policy, of the “end justifies the means” and that type of extreme actions “sacrifices the truth and in turn democracy.”

Paloma Valencia, who was in opposition to the proposal, assured that “There is a change in the perception of the truth” and that “politics is not an exercise in true truths.” The senator assured that she “does not believe that someone will get up one day to say today I am going to lie to harm someone.”

Likewise, the former governor of Antioquia responded to the senator assuring that indeed “Lies by networks are thought”, there is a “polarization”, there are “wineries to harm (…) you who have political advisers – because I have never had a political adviser, so I don’t know – you know when you sit down and say today we are going to drop this lie.”

The senator responded by alleging Fajardo’s claims about the “center and the extremes.” “Sergio says that there are good sides and bad sides, I want to think that in Colombia we are all on the same side, we just think differently (…) Sergio believes that the only one who does politics well is him and that is a lie ”.
