The photo they believe Mike Bahía’s Instagram was hacked into


The singer posted a photo to show off his massive palm tree, but fans took notice of another detail.

Apr 27, 2020 4:05 PMBy:

Mike Bahia surprised his thousands of followers on social networks by showing the look change that was made and that is very similar to those that are very fashionable these days emergency health due to coronavirus.

Be sure to read: Greeicy Rendón revealed what his coexistence with Mike is like and what his fights are like

The singer, published this weekend a photograph on his official Instagram account in which he sent a greeting to his fans under a large palm tree, which had been published by his sentimental partner Greeicy Rendón, with whom he is passing the quarantine.

However, despite the fact that his post was more focused on showing the huge palm tree that he has in his home, quickly his followers noticed that Mike Bahía had very short hair and also got rid of his beard, which is why they even reached compare it to reggaeton singer Yandel, while others simply took the opportunity to send them their admiration messages and tell him that he looks much younger.

“I like the look friend, greetings to you and Greeicy”, “Yandel” “I am the face of a child, with the soul of a man, hehehe”, “Friend 10 years younger”, “I thought you were Yandel compirri hahaha”, “is the son playing “, were some of the messages the photo received.

However, others went further and jokingly said that Mike Bahía His Instagram account had been hacked.

“Brother, your insta has been hacked, a guy without a beard is taking photos”, “Epa, give the account back to Mike Bahía”, were other comments.

Mike Bahía’s new appearance was also shown in one of the Greeicy Rendón Instagram stories. It is unknown if the singer from Cali was the one who cut her boyfriend, or was Mike himself the author of his new look.

It may interest you: Greeicy Rendón releases his single ‘Los Besos’ and is trend 1 in Colombia
