The particular letter with which Fajardo responds to the remarks of Tomás Uribe Moreno


Sergio Fajardo, candidate for the coalition of the Verde and Polo Democrático parties.
Sergio Fajardo, candidate for the coalition of the Verde and Polo Democrático parties.

In an interview with Revista Semana, the son of former President Uribe spoke of his alleged political participation in the upcoming elections and spoke out against various politicians in the country, especially Sergio Fajardo. Uribe Moreno said that in the last elections Fajardo “went on the side of neosocialism, and now he is going on the side of Santismo.” Likewise, he questioned the actions of the political leader by saying that he would not participate again in the elections and is now aspiring to participate in the electoral contest. He also criticized the candidate’s age because “he says it is the renewal of politics, but he is almost 70 years old.”

Tomás Uribe fully attacked the former presidential candidate, said that Fajardo promotes the policy of transparency “but has been pulling the strings of power in Antioquia for 20 years” and questioned the millionaire that, according to him, Sergio spent on advertising when he was governor. Likewise, he predicted a gloomy outlook if the mathematician wins the presidency in 2022.

Accusations that made Sergio Fajardo himself respond to Tomás Uribe. Through a curious letter focused on a WhatsApp conversation he had with a friend with whom, he says, he had not spoken for years. The presidential candidate for 2022, said that they had woken him up at 4 in the morning with multiple messages and that he did not understand very well what they were talking about …

“This morning, at 4:30, my cell phone started receiving WhatsApp messages. Who could it be at this hour? An old friend writes to me: “You did it, they launched you to fame, now president 2022 ”. I replied: “Are you crazy sucking cock from so early, what’s wrong?” He replied: “Didn’t you see the cover of the controversial magazine?” “I have not seen”. “Guess.” “The destruction and reconstruction of Providence?” “No”. “The damage from the winter wave in Chocó?” “No”. “The dire consequences of the pandemic in the education of boys and girls in public education.” “No”. “The unemployment of youth and women?” “No”. “I give up”. “You are not even warm.” “Don’t scrub, don’t be tired.” “You will not believe me”.


According to Fajardo, he was astonished to learn that the eldest son of former President Uribe had spoken about him and, in addition, that he would have said that he spent endless money on advertising campaigns during the years in which he was the Mayor of Medellín, I emphasize that Tomás was a very good student and is a great manager, who would not believe that the young man would dare so much.

He continues in his letter:

I replied: “It cannot be, I understand that he was a brilliant engineering student at the Universidad de los Andes and I am sure that he came out very well prepared in mathematics, in critical reasoning and with a high ethical standard. I would not make those mistakes and I would never tell those lies. Furthermore, he is an outstanding entrepreneur and businessman ”.

You sure are making up. I refuse to believe, you are always so funny, he would not tell those lies, he would not. “Lies? He said that the family is fond of you ”. Plop.

Even the pre-presidential candidate doubted that Tomás Uribe had spoken about him and believed that it was all a fake news, someone who had hacked the Semana Magazine; and that due to so many changes within the communication medium, they had to review the sources.

“I was stunned and told him that surely with so many changes in the magazine they had hacked it. Nothing strange that someone from Siberia got into the system and invaded them with Fake news. With all this Trump issue the world is very crazy. “Well, don’t believe me. All I’m telling you is that with that interview you achieved fame ”.

Thus ends the first part of the letter that summarizes the entire WhatsApp conversation that he had with his friend at dawn, However, he left a reflection for the Colombian people in which he assures that in Colombia those who are involved in politics and also have some power are capable of destroying those who think differently.


“The truth is always damaged and the elementary norms of respect are non-existent. Anger and resentment are the bread and butter. You have to repeat the lies, over and over again, take them to the digital world so that the fanatic hordes repeat them, increase their aggressiveness and stand out from their fellow sect.

“This is just beginning, imagine what’s to come. Every day it is more necessary to get away from the extremes that do so much damage to the country. Persist without being scared by aggressions. Do not fall into the traps, always stay coherent and consistent. Serenity and example ”, concludes Fajardo’s letter.

See also:

Tomás Uribe uncovered his letters: Álvaro Uribe Vélez’s son spoke about everything, including his name for 2022

“With a broken heart”, Mayor William Dau dismissed the first lady of Cartagena
