The panorama of the pandemic in Santander one day after the reopening


Almost 80% of the total coronavirus infections in Santander were reported throughout August. Vanguardia tells you the panorama of the pandemic one day after the selective isolation phase begins.

Despite the economic easing announced by the National Government, it is necessary to maintain restrictions that slow down the rapid spread of the coronavirus in highly affected areas. For this reason, the metropolitan area of ​​Bucaramanga, Barrancabermeja, San Gil and Socorro are maintained with special measures.

Also read: Attention: In August, 541 people died from COVID-19 in Santander.

It is not for less. In August, the number of people diagnosed with COVID-19 increased dramatically in the region. On July 31, the National Institute of Health, INS, accounted for 3,750 total cases in Santander, while the most recent report, cut off August 30, raised this figure to 17,773.

In other words, throughout August 14,023 new infections have been reported in Santander, which is equivalent to 79% of total cases.

Despite the fact that in the average of August approximately 470 new daily cases have been registered, the peak of the pandemic in Santander is expected to occur in mid-October with about 1,300 new infections per day.

Also read: The crisis continues: Bucaramanga registered a record unemployment figure with 23.1%.


In Santander, the fatality rate of the coronavirus reaches 4.23%, above the national average that is 3.2%.

In the metropolitan area this percentage is worse. In Bucaramanga the fatality rate is 4.60%, in Girón it is 4.48%, in Floridablanca it is 4.47% and in Piedecuesta it is 4.27%.

Meanwhile, Barrancabermeja registers a fatality rate of 2.69%; San Gil 3.67% and Socorro 4.55%.

Also read: Colombia becomes the third country in Latin America with the most cases of COVID-19.

What worries

Although the pandemic in the region is still at its maximum peak, the availability of beds in Intensive Care Units, ICUs, is of concern.

For example, on the morning of Monday the Mayor of Bucaramanga reported that it was dawn with an occupation of 90%. That is, I only had 20 beds available. Meanwhile, pediatric ICUs reached 67% occupancy, with three beds available.

In addition, the Local Administration detailed that in terms of Intermediate Care Units for adults, the occupancy reached 64% and had 34 beds available this morning, while the intermediate care units for children were 100% occupied.

Meanwhile, the Mayor’s Office of Floridablanca reported that the ICUs in this municipality are 96% full and in Piedecuesta it reaches 94%.

Given this scenario, it is necessary to install a greater number of fans in the region, otherwise the death toll could be overwhelming due to the possible collapse of the health system.

It is important that to avoid this catastrophic scenario each citizen assumes his responsibility and takes care of all the biosafety measures, such as the use of a mask, constant hand washing and physical distancing.

Also read: This is how the 7,878 active cases of COVID-19 are located in Santander.


According to the INS, the department reports a total of 10,483 recovered patients.

In percentage terms, in Santander, 59% of those infected have won the battle against the coronavirus, 4.2% have died and 36.8% are currently facing the disease.
