The number of infections and deaths from COVID-19 increases


The Ministry of Health and Social Protection confirmed 8,394 new infections of COVID-19, for a total of 658,456 confirmed cases in Colombia.

Based on the latest report, 268 people died, that is to say, 21,156 deaths in total.

It may interest you: Colombia registers 8,394 new infections and 268 deaths from COVID-19

Mayor of Bogotá suffered homophobic attack at a public event

This Saturday, the mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, was explaining the benefits and advances of the bicicarril by Carrera Séptima, when a man interrupted his presentation.


The world registers more than 26.7 million infections and 878,000 deaths from COVID-19

The United States continues to be the most affected country with 6.3 million infections and 191,850 deathsAnd the outlook is not the best according to the University of Washington, which predicts that more than 410,000 people could lose their lives in the US, between now and January 2021.

See also: The world registers more than 26.7 million infections and 878,000 deaths from COVID-19

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