The new attitude of Leo Messi


Slowly, Leo Messi he keeps changing his mind. Or at least that is what is sensed. The same player who in the summer openly showed his boredom and his desire to leave the FC Barcelona now take every minute opportunity to show their commitment to the entity.

Follow after this announcement

A few days ago, the Argentine already pulled on social networks to send a message of unity and now he has taken advantage of an interview with the well-known journalist Jordi Evole to once again emphasize the idea that, despite what happened months ago, he feels excited again .

The message of Leo Messi

Although this conversation will not see the light until December 27, the station RAC1 has issued a forward in which the flea ensures: “I’m fine, I had a very bad time for the summer I went through, for the end of the season and for what happened in the summer. I dragged him at the beginning, but now I feel good, eager, excited (…) I know the club is going through a difficult time, at the team and club level, but I’m looking forward to it “.

Logically, Messi’s continuity is at the expense of the proposal that the winner of the elections to the club’s presidency may make (they are held on January 24). Some of the candidates have already recognized that the current salary of the footballer is unsustainable, so that for Messi to remain linked to the entity it will be necessary for the player to feel comfortable enough to accept a reduction. In this sense, there is still a long way to go, but these statements invite us to at least look to the future with a little more optimism.
