The National University will not do an admission exam


The National University reported that, in order to not exposing the applicant population to a risk of contagion with face-to-face tests, new students will be classified by the result in the Icfes Saber 11 test.

Thus, the State test will be the basis for advancing the evaluation and the admission process for the first period of 2021.

The tests to consider must be from the second semester of 2014 onwards, so they are comparable with those planned for the second half of 2020.

The institution will evaluate the components of Mathematics, Sciences, Social Sciences and Critical Reading.



Registration for the 2021 admission process, first semester, cIt will start in mid-October 2020 and will run until mid-November of this year, according to Mario Alberto Pérez, national director of admissions at La Nacional.

“A technical and academic guideline from Icfes informed us that all the tests that will be applied in October and November are fully comparable and, according to this premise, all applicants will be evaluated under the same conditions,” says Pérez.

Icfes uses a technique that allows applicants to be measured under the same evaluation system, which saves UNAL from having to apply a second test that would require tripling the number of teachers and expanding their spaces.

On the other hand, those interested in participating in the admission process, but who do not have an Icfes application registration as of 2014, must then register and apply a test for this second semester of 2020, whose registration period is up to 6 October.

Icfes registration, only requirement

Those who wish to enroll in the UNAL process must indicate the registry of the National Testing Service (SNP), which is the number or code that the Icfes assigns to each person who presents the State exam.

This number, associated with the number of the identification document with which the Saber 11 test was presented, will allow the National University to access the databases.

«As the results of the Saber 11 Test will be available in December, the information will be processed, and we hope that for on January 15 we will have the list of the total admitted »explains Professor Pérez.
