The mother of the soldier speaks who said she was fond of her Eln kidnappers – Other Cities – Colombia


The statements that the 19-year-old soldier Yonny Andrés Ospino Castillo gave this Tuesday after being freed from a kidnapping in Norte de Santander, have generated all kinds of reactions on social networks.

Once released, in an interview with local media, Ospino said he felt “rigged” with his Eln guerrilla captors and, with a broken voice, he said: “The truth is, I have nothing to say or that they have given me bad treatment. I am happy to be free, but at the same time sad, because I was already falling in love with them.”

(In context: Released soldier is sad because he ‘fond’ with his captors)

Psychologists have warned that Yonny Andrés’ could be a case of Stockholm syndrome, which, according to the National University of the Northeast of Argentina, “is a state in which the kidnapping victim, or person detained against their own will, develops a complicity relationship with their abductor“.

For now, while the official diagnosis is known, and in the midst of the multiple opinions that the case has raised, in the last hours Argenys Ospina, mother of the young soldier, spoke, who referred to the reaction of her son.

(We recommend: What is Stockholm syndrome and how does it develop in hostages?)

“My son, since he was a child, faces psychological problems. He is not violent, on the contrary, he is very affectionate and tends to quickly become attached to people and suffer from depression problems,” he told RCN Radio.

The woman said that, when the Army recruited Yonny Andrés, she herself, with exams in hand, explained to the soldiers of the Battalion the mental state of her son and the treatment he received. However, he assured, they did not believe him and the young man was enlisted.

In an interview with that media, he said: “Although my son did want to serve the country, and he was happy, he told me that in October of last year the psychologist called him for his strange behavior. He told me: ‘It must be because I talk a lot and laugh at everything, but I’m going to do my best to continue doing military service.’

(Also: He is Silvano Cántaro, the Peruvian who would have been murdered in Medellín)

He is not violent, on the contrary, he is very affectionate and tends to get attached quickly to people and suffer from depression problems

However, he regretted, on the one hand, the treatment that the Army gave to the case. And on the other, the mockery of which his son has been a victim. “Army commanders do not believe and still insist that it is a lie, and I have felt the ridicule through social networks.”

Argenys also related what she spoke to him after his release. He said that he asked him promptly about the statements he had given to the media and assured that Yonny Andrés replied: “Mom, you taught me to tell the truth, and that’s how it was. I received good treatment, good food and good sleep.”.

(Also read: The case of a Colombian graffiti artist killed in the US with a taser)

For now, the Army reported that both Yonny Andrés and Jesús Alberto Muñoz Segovia, the other released military, are under medical observation and receiving psychological care to later rejoin the Energetic Road Battalion No. 10, the unit where they are assigned.

The soldiers were intercepted on February 2 by armed men who were traveling in a van in the rural area of ​​the municipality of El Carmen, Norte de Santander. They were held hostage by the Eln for 13 days.

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