The most recent balance of coronavirus infections in Colombia | Economy


The Ministry of Health released this Sunday the most recent report of infections by coronavirus, a figure that amounts to 1.1063.

In the last hours, 6,484 tests were processed, of which 568 were positive for covid-19.

The new infections were reported in: Bogotá (127), Amazonas (94), Cartagena (92), Barranquilla (37), Nariño (34), Huila (31), Tolima (27), Atlántico (26), Meta (25), La Guajira (12) , Valle (11), Córdoba (8), Boyacá (6), Bolívar (5), Cauca (5), Norte de Santander (5), Cundinamarca (5), Magdalena (5), Santa Marta (3), Sucre (2), Antioquia (2), Chocó (1), Putumayo (1), Caquetá (1), Quindío (1), Cesar (1) and Casanare (1).

For their part, 18 more deaths were recorded, bringing the death toll to 463, while the number of recovered totaled 2,705.


– 70-year-old man in Leticia. Comorbidities under study.
– 82-year-old man in Puerto Nariño (Amazonas). Comorbidities: smoking.
– 45-year-old man in Leticia. Comorbidities under study.
– 95 year old man in Neiva. Comorbidities: chronic kidney disease.
– 39-year-old woman in Melgar (Tolima). Comorbidities: polyneuropathy.
– 27 year old man in Ibagué. Comorbidities: HIV.
– 25-year-old man in Ibagué. Comorbidities: HIV.
– 77-year-old man in Bogotá. Comorbidities: kidney disease and HT.
– 49-year-old woman in Soledad (Atlántico). Comorbidities: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
– 52-year-old woman in Cartagena. Comorbidities: diabetes.
– 54-year-old man in Bogotá. Comorbidities: HTA, obesity.
– 89-year-old man in Dagua (Valle). Comorbidities: epoc, coronary heart disease, smoker.
– 63-year-old man in Bogotá. Comorbidities: HTA.
– 67-year-old man in Bogotá. No comorbidities.
– 65-year-old woman in Bogotá. Comorbidities: chronic kidney failure.
– 80-year-old woman in Bogotá. Comorbidities: epoc, HTA, obesity.
– 80-year-old man in Leticia. Comorbidities under study.
– 3 year old girl in Magui (Payán) Nariño. No comorbidities.
