The message of the president of China to Colombia after sending vaccines against the coronavirus


Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a message to the Colombians this saturday after more than 700 thousand Sinovac vaccines will arrive in the country.

The president assured that, throughout 41 years of diplomatic relations, China-Colombia ties experience historic advances.

He further noted who recently had a telephone conversation with President Iván Duque, arriving to new consensus on the bilateral agenda and anti-epidemic cooperation.

The same way, During his speech, he affirmed that China is already the second commercial partner of Colombia. Ensuring that Chinese companies actively participate in various construction areas of Colombia and that Colombian products, such as coffee, fresh flowers, avocado, etc., they have been very well received by their consumers.

Gabriel García Márquez and his work ‘One Hundred Years of Soledad’ are well known in our country. Thanks to the dynamic cultural exchanges, the friendship between the two countries is becoming more intimate every day ”.

He stressed that the batch of vaccines that arrived in Colombia, along with the previous two, all sourced from China, has contributed to National Vaccination Plan of Colombia against COVID-19.

I hope that between both governments and peoples we can strengthen friendly cooperation in the fight against the pandemic. and in other areas and, even more, from this historical starting point to take this cooperation to new heights for the greater benefit of both peoples ”, he pointed out.
