The lapse in which Santos confused Duque with Uribe


Confidential | 2020/09/09

The lapse in which Santos was mistaken for president

Juan Manuel Santos

On Wednesday, during the interview with María Jimena Duzán in which Juan Manuel Santos presented his book ‘An optimistic message for a world in crisis’, the former president had a rather particular lapse, given the situation of political polarization present in Colombia. When he was speaking about the need to unite different political shores around common projects that are urgent for the country – such as sustainable development, and specifically the recovery of the Magdalena River – Duzán asked him: “But without leaders, who can lead those changes? ” To which Santos replied: “President Uribe himself would have to lead it! Who is the President of the Republic, the president of all Colombians!”. However, when Duzán made him realize his mistake, Santos said that he was referring to President Duque, but that Uribe should also be present in that agreement and that if he had to go talk to Uribe, he would do so with pleasure. “This division between Uribe and Santos has done nothing but harm to the country and I would be more than pleased to say to Uribe: let’s agree on this, this and that.”

See on video the right moment of the lapse of the former president:

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