The kindergartens returned to the classrooms in Bogotá and the primary and high schools are already preparing


This Wednesday the kindergartens of Bogotá again received children after six months closed.
This Wednesday the kindergartens of Bogotá again received children after six months closed.

After six months of closure due to the pandemic, the children of Bogotá’s kindergartens returned to classes this Wednesday.

The first to open its doors again to the presence were the gardens of the district of six towns in the city: Kennedy, Chapinero, Ciudad Bolívar, Bosa, Barrios Unidos and Rafael Uribe Uribe.

This “gradual and staggered” reopening has been preparing from the district for several weeks, in which a consultation was made among the 28 thousand families assigned to one of the public schools in Bogotá in which they were asked whether or not they wanted to return to face-to-face classes.

Outside one of the 10 public gardens that on Wednesday reopened for children
Outside one of the 10 public gardens that on Wednesday reopened for children

Most of these responses, say the city authorities, were aimed at manifesting the need for presence, because with the children all the time at home, the parents, many of them with difficult socioeconomic conditions, do even more complex going to work.

For this reason, the pilot of kindergartens, which serve boys and girls from 0 to 6 years old, was a priority in the District’s educational reactivation plan, which also includes primary schools, secondary schools and universities.

In the case of kindergartens, the Mayor’s Office emphasized that the decision will be in the hands of each family, which if they decide to opt for the presence, they can do so between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and from 8:00 p.m. pm to 6:00 am.

The parents asked for the presence to return even if it was gradual.
The parents asked for the presence to return even if it was gradual.

Each child will attend class only two days a week and at the aforementioned times, this will ensure that the centers operate at 35% capacity and maintaining the distance between students.

Centers that reopen face-to-face classes must adapt their facilities to maintain distance and constant disinfection of children, which must wear masks at all times.

Between one time and the other, the entire center should be disinfected to ensure the safety of the children who arrive to class in the next group.

The secretary of Social Inclusion, Xinia Navarro, accompanied the first day back to classes.
The secretary of Social Inclusion, Xinia Navarro, accompanied the first day back to classes.

For the families that you obtain by not sending their children to face-to-face classes, they will be able to access other modalities available for the education of their children.

Care at home, in which there will be professional accompaniment in the homes of each boy and girl, and additionally a monthly meeting with the families will be held; Y remote accompaniment, Recommended for minors with a medical history or health complications, in which virtual and telephone attention will prevail.

In the case of Private gardens that wish to return to the presence must certify all the aforementioned protocols before the Secretariat of Education of Bogotá and the Secretariat of Social Integration and to arrange with the parents the schedules for the presence.

According to the Mayor’s Office, of the 49 gardens and private schools of basic and high school education that were registered to certify their opening protocols, Today only 17 have an endorsement to return to classes, as they were the ones who passed all the validation filters and will begin to do so in the coming days.


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