the key works of the development of Barranquilla – Barranquilla – Colombia


The President of the Republic, Iván Duque, learned about the key works for the development of Barranquilla in the next four years, Mayor Jaime Pumarejo reported this Sunday.

Pumarejo presented the projects to the president, during the visit on Saturday, and requested co-financing with the resources of the National Government.

(Also read: Barranquilla, ready to reopen Ernesto Cortissoz airport on Monday)

According to Pumarejo, the purpose of this request is to work together towards the creation of employment and the rapid recovery of the economy in the capital of the Atlantic.

“There is no more effective way to contribute to the improvement of life than to generate all the conditions so that their worthy sources of personal and family income are reestablished,” said the local president.

The projects presented by the District consist of four fundamental axes: biodiverciudad, connectivity and quality, formal Barranquilla and innovative city.

An investment of 281,059 million pesos is estimated to recover the Cienaga de Mallorquín, 230,000 million in the comprehensive recovery of canals to avoid the risks of flooding in neighboring neighborhoods and 516,000 million in aqueduct and sanitation projects. In this way, improve environmental management and recover urban areas, aiming for Barranquilla to be a biodivercity.

In connectivity and quality of life, the District hopes to obtain resources for infrastructure works in the Maritime Port Zone and in Transmetro, to the improvement of roads and renewal of fleets in the Integrated Public Transport System (SITP).

(Also read: Barranquilla is ready to reopen, experts say)

Continue with the final phase of Barrios to the work and the adaptation of electrical networks that seeks to impact 80 thousand people with an investment of 70 billion pesos. Also, carry out the remodeling of public markets in order to dignify the work of merchants, guaranteeing health and hygiene.

In terms of innovation, the District presented a project to implement a sensorized city control network with new technologies that allow the efficient use of resources in: camera and traffic light system, technological control, environmental monitoring systems, among others. The estimated investment is 169,550 million.

By last, the construction of an Innovation and Prototyping Center that will promote the creation of technology-based companies in Barranquilla and in the Caribbean region. For its development it is expected to invest 99,510 million pesos.
