“The JEP has done much more in three years than the ordinary justice did in 50 years”: Attorney Fernando Carrillo


The Attorney General of Colombia, Fernando Carrillo.  EFE / LEONARDO MUÑOZ / Archive
The Attorney General of Colombia, Fernando Carrillo. EFE / LEONARDO MUÑOZ / Archive

This Tuesday, within the framework of an event in which the president of the JEP Patricia Linares, delivered a balance of her management and accountability as the main person in charge of the special jurisdiction, the attorney general of the nation, Fernando Carrillo, intervened to point out that it is necessary for the country to “let the JEP work.”

Fernando Carrillo, head of the Public Ministry, stated: “Justice reform cannot consist in the demolition of the rule of law”, and he was also emphatic “Today Colombia needs more justice and not less justice. Colombia needs more judges, more judicial deconcentration, more decentralization, more access to justice, more local justice and of course more resources, ”he declared.

He also said that “The JEP is fulfilling peace, despite many difficulties and has done, and I want to say this clearly as well, the JEP has done in three years in matters of clarifying the truth much more than what the ordinary justice did in 50 years ”.

Carrillo was emphatic in his defense to the court born after the Final Agreement signed with the Farc “Without the JEP, the Truth Commission and the Commission for the Search of Disappeared Persons, peace would be lame.”

And immediately afterwards, concluding his intervention, Carrillo said: “With the authority that we are given by not having shared some decisions of the JEP and having been loyal critics of some of its actions, I end up asking the country from this stage to let the JEP work in peace”.

Linares, in his first delivery of the management balance sheet, had met those who from various sectors in the country criticized the JEP for lack of results. The togada has insisted that it is not an easy task:

“It is a difficult task. We are talking about an unprecedented model in the world, unprecedented of any order and governed by principles and logics different from those that are rooted in the social imaginary. Societies responding to the principles of retributive justice to which we are accustomed ”, Linares said.

In fact, this meeting takes place in the middle of the proposal of former president Álvaro Uribe Vélez to repeal the JEP.

In addition to this, at the event that took place this Tuesday in El Chicó Park, Linares said: “We have fully fulfilled our task. To the international community, which has become the pillar and guarantee of the implementation process of the Peace Agreement in the country. To the members of Congress who have democratically defended the constitution and therefore Peace ”, he said.

The balance delivered indicates that the JEP has received more than 463 versions in which 736 appearing parties have participated and has held 108 hearings. At the same time, 21 canteares measures have been transmitted, all aimed at protecting the truth. Also, points out the Special Jurisdiction for La Paz, more than 33,400 judicial decisions have been taken.

In the same way, they warn that to date 3,624 victims and 6192 appearing before the special justice of peace have received legal advice, through the autonomous system of advice and defense administered by the Executive Secretariat. They also point out that at least 45 cooperation agreements have been negotiated with different international actors, including the European Union, which include political support and technical and financial cooperation to “strengthen the mission of the JEP.”

Read also: More than 12,000 people have submitted to the Peace Jurisdiction of Colombia

In this balance, the participation of the attorney general’s office is also made clear, since the Public Ministry has accompanied the presentation of 200 reports delivered to the JEP. “The Attorney General’s Office itself has prepared and provided reports and documentation on disciplinary proceedings against State agents in cases related to the armed conflict. Since 2019, the JEP and the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation began to jointly hold the “Voices of the Victims” meetings, which were held in different parts of the national territory such as: Ibagué, Riohacha and Pasto.

Facade of the building of the International Criminal Court in The Hague (ICC).  EFE / Martijn Beekman / Archive
Facade of the building of the International Criminal Court in The Hague (ICC). EFE / Martijn Beekman / Archive

For their part, two members of the International Criminal Court (ICC) spoke out on the role of the JEP in the country. The vice prosecutor of this international body, James Stewart, and Judge Luz Ibañez Carranza, pointed out, during the meeting “Impact of the international courts of subsidiary jurisdiction”, that this special justice can become a benchmark model in the world.

In addition, the two members of the ICC also commented that the JEP and the justice of this international body do not clash with each other and stated that if they manage to work in an articulated manner and execute joint projects “Colombia will not only be able to perfect a model that seeks to investigate and prosecute those most responsible for the crimes committed in the context of the conflict, but will end up being a benchmark for the world.

On the other hand, Stewart affirmed that Colombia ended up being a pioneer in the design of a system “to deal with the legacy of serious human rights violations and achieve accountability, justice and reconciliation.”

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