The importance of virtual education in a country like Colombia


“After the storm, calm comes,” says a Colombian popular adage that is taking effect today due to the situation the world is going through due to the arrival of COVID-19. For this reason the sectors have had to stop and rethink their way of working; and the educational one was not the exception.

Continuing classes has been a challenge for institutions, teachers and students, so virtual education has become a first-hand tool that offers people the opportunity to learn from anywhere with an Internet connection.

According to works and reports from the Ministry of Technology, virtual classes in Colombia have increased by at least 70% thanks to the contributions and efforts of the different institutions that have sought to shelter their students and teachers so that education is not affected.

Virtual education in Colombia

And one of the institutions that stands out in this area, that of virtual classes, not now but for several years is the Grancolombiano Polytechnic, which has had an offer of formal undergraduate and graduate programs for 13 years and recently started a social and educational dynamic creating its own training unit called Education for life, which proposes a comprehensive solution for the training and personal and professional development of Colombians of any educational level, age, economic condition or location offering courses, diplomas or certified workshops.

For the Gran Colombiano Polytechnic, the permanent updating of knowledge and training are very important aspects that must be taken into account to avoid becoming obsolete, and at a disadvantage compared to those who continue to educate themselves continuously.

Learn without pretext ” It is the objective to start training processes that can be virtual or face-to-face according to the tastes or needs of each person. For this reason, the ‘Poli’ offers programs open to the general public in matters of updating professional knowledge to improve the job profile, acquire new knowledge and skills or learn hobbies.

Three tips for virtual classes to become a trusted ally

According to UNESCO recommendations, these are some tips to best adapt to virtual classes.

  1. Choose the most pertinent instruments to study and that institutions guarantee distance learning programs so that doubts are resolved in digital ecosystems and sessions.
  2. Define the duration of learning and use of digital tools. This recommendation for students to take active breaks and not abuse technology. In this way they will take care of their physical and mental state, learning with the virtual systems offered by universities such as the Politecnico Grancolombiano.
  3. Create communities and promote social ties in order to avoid isolation and loneliness. Students, teachers and institutions form a bond that must be strengthened over time.

However, it is important to clarify that for online education to be successful, it must rely on Information and Communication Technologies. This is how the university has its own methodology and a suitable platform to respond to the needs of virtual students.

If you want to know more about Education for Life programs, don’t forget enter the page of the Politecnico Grancolombiano to review all the possibilities offered by the educational entity.
