The hard letter that Piedad Córdoba sent to Santrich and Márquez after speaking at the Truth Commission – JEP Colombia – Justice


This Thursday, former congresswoman Piedad Córdoba, who for years had a close relationship with the FARC in cooperation for the release of hostages and humanitarian issues, spoke before the Truth Commission.

(Also read: Piedad Córdoba says that Gómez Hurtado’s murderer is alive)

After the meeting, which lasted several hours, Córdoba revealed a letter that he sent to the guerrillas ‘Jesús Santrich’ and Iván Márquez, those who abandoned the peace process, rearmed themselves and currently command the Second Marquetalia.

In the document, to which EL TIEMPO had access, the former senator of the Liberal Party is launching herself against the government’s actions to implement the peace agreement. He even assures that former president Juan Manuel Santos is wrong when he affirms that peace is not in danger.

(In context: ‘Peace with the FARC is not in danger,’ says Juan Manuel Santos in a revealing interview)

It hurts me like no one else to see them up in arms again. I do not share his decision, but I understand that it was not a whim

One of the controversial aspects of the letter is the position of Piedad Córdoba in the face of the rearmament of ‘Santrich’ and Márquez, who met in August 2019. “It hurts me like no one else to see them up in arms again (…) I do not share his decision, but unlike many, I understand that it was not a whim, “the document reads.

The former congresswoman highlighted several issues that, in her opinion, show that the peace agreement has been mocked. For example Four years after the signing, no progress has been made in the Comprehensive Rural Reform, no special seats have been established for the victimized territories, nor has there been political reform or the end of paramilitarism.

(See also: Video of Santrich thanking those who defend him for the coca case)

To this he adds “the murders and the legal war against the signatories and defenders of peace, exacerbated police repression and militarism, the return of fumigations, growing presidential authoritarianism and the irruption of armed groups of all kinds in the former territories of the presence of the Farc-Ep “.

President Duque and his puerile argument that seeks to use drug trafficking as the only explanation for the violence lacks weight

Faced with these situations, Córdoba assured that “President Duque and his puerile argument that he seeks to use drug trafficking as the only explanation for the violence in the country lacks weight.” Along the same lines, he assures that the former attorney general Néstor Humberto “is a perfidious, as well as all those who supported him in his plan.”

After presenting the letter, Piedad Córdoba assured that she awaits a response from the recipients. In addition, he sent a copy of the document to the Truth Commission.

This is the content of the complete document sent by Córdoba

Although the country is just beginning to know the truth of the tragic episodes that ruined the Peace Agreement, today few doubt that the actions carried out by the then Attorney General of the Nation, Néstor Humberto Martínez Neira were a deception to the country and the world, contrary to the good faith to which the Colombian State is bound by the principle of the Pacta Sunt Servanda and by Legislative Act 02 of 2017. Here the Constitution, the international commitments of the Colombian State and the same Agreement of Havana to tear the peace apart.

There are important instances born from what was signed, such as those of the SIVJRNR, great political and cultural impacts, some fragmentary and disjointed developments, and above all the will for peace of ex-combatants and communities that have been victims of genocide. But the unbreakable and unbreakable Peace Agreement, as a Special Agreement, has been circumvented with dramatic consequences for the country and for Latin America.

Nobel Prize winner Juan Manuel Santos is wrong when he affirms that peace is not in danger. Four years after it was signed, no land for peasants, no special seats for victimized territories, no political reform, no guarantees for protest, no end of paramilitarism, all essential aspects contemplated in the agreement.

Bulk assassinations, legal war against the signatories and defenders of peace, exacerbated police repression and militarism, return of fumigations, growing presidential authoritarianism and the irruption of armed groups of all kinds in the former territories of the FARC-EP presence.

Academics and researchers from different shores are already talking about a new stage of the armed conflict and how to characterize it, while the communities that are historical victims of exclusion and violence already suffer the war on a daily basis as if the peace process had just been a blink in their ordeal. Given this reality, President Duque and his puerile argument that he seeks to use drug trafficking as the only explanation for the violence in the country lacks weight.

Néstor Humberto is a perfidious, as well as all those who supported him in his plan. In the same way, you and I know that those who led the operation of the Combat Battalion No. 12 Diosa del Chairá and the other military aggressions in the then ETCR of Miravalle, Caquetá during July 2018, committed a crime against peace.

The country must know the truth about these events, as well as the episodes related to the attempted coup between May 15 and 17, 2019 to circumvent the decision of the JEP and the irregularities of the recapture of the then representative to the Chamber Jesús Santrich which included kidnapping, adulteration of conscience and attempted murder.

It hurts me like no one else to see you up in arms again, when you were destined to fulfill the same role that you did in the construction of the Peace Agreement, leading your party’s bench in Congress and strengthening the political opposition inside and outside Parliament. I do not share his decision, but unlike many I understand that it was not a whim. However, I have repeatedly heard from you the phrase of Jacobo Arenas that reminded us that the destiny of Colombia cannot be civil war.

I am reluctant to think that this unfinished peace process is condemned to a new National Front and that, like then, Colombia repeats the historical error of disregarding the continuity of political violence due to opportunism or megalomania. If we do not achieve complete peace, we will continue to experience perpetual war, which the longer it stretches in time, the more it escalates and makes its political solution more difficult.

When the truth of what happened begins to be known, I ask you clearly: What is required to rebuild the battered Havana Agreement to which you are subscribers as plenipotentiaries? Is the reestablishment of what was agreed in Havana by you and the Colombian State feasible? Is it possible to repair the damage to the peace inflicted by the Colombian State and its officials? I refuse to believe that the return to war is immovable and that peace is a chimera.

You cannot defend the peace, and call for the war to continue. Not in the worst moments did I consider that the military solution to the armed conflict was the solution. Today I do not contemplate the bombings and war as an alternative to the persistence of the armed confrontation. For peace, I tell you like Bolívar in his letter to Páez: the impossible is what we have to do, because others take care of the possible every day.

Building guarantees and trust is an arduous task but not unfeasible. Despite pettiness and animosity, political times in Colombia and on the continent blow in favor of peace. I do not have electoral aspirations of any kind and, as always, I have all my capacities at full disposal to put them at the service of overcoming the armed social conflict. That is why I make this letter public after delivering a copy of it to the Truth Clarification Commission, taking into account its mission in the search for guarantees of coexistence and non-repetition, which is the ultimate goal of this letter.

[email protected]
