The hard crossing of accusations between Ernesto Samper and Andrés Pastrana – Political Parties – Politics


A hard cross of trills occurred on Thursday night between the former presidents of Colombia Andrés Pastrana (1998 – 2002) and Ernesto Samper (1994- 1998), after the FARC’s revelations for the recognition of the murder against the conservative leader Álvaro Gómez Stolen.

(Can read: ‘The Farc searched for anti-aircraft rockets with the Cali cartel‘)

Pastrana threw himself at the ready against Samper saying that “drug trafficking, an old partner of the FARC cartel and sponsor of Ernesto Samper, has always been at the forefront of hypotheses around the assassination” (by Álvaro Gómez) and that the FARC must reveal to the Prosecutor’s Office “the privacy and details of this alliance.

Faced with this, Samper responded and pointed out: “The former president @AndresPastrana_, instead of being the moral censor of the whole world, he should tell the country about his relations with the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and in what places and times he was with him and his pimp. “

(Also read: The favor that the mafia asked the FARC 2 days after the Gómez crime)

Precisely, the possible links of the Cali Cartel with the Farc are in the compilation ‘Documents and correspondence of Manuel Marulanda Vélez (1993-1998)’, awarded to Pedro Antonio Marín Marín, known as ‘Tirofijo’.
EL TIEMPO published sections of this document.

Thus, for example, in a text dated July 28, 1993 ‘Marulanda’ says: “Comrade Raúl. I greet you and wish you good health. I think it is necessary for one of our recipients to speak in detail with the Cali cartel, so that they specify the matter of the rockets ”.

(Further: The book in which ‘Tirofijo’ recognized the murder of Álvaro Gómez)

And he asks the following: “of course, without making commitments with them, because just as they comment on Samper, so they comment on us. Known all the details we hit a round: us to draw conclusions. No more. Manuel”. Anti-aircraft rockets are mentioned on several occasions.

Likewise, there is the order given to assassinate the governor of Antioquia Álvaro Uribe Vélez. “I think it is convenient that all the potential of José María C. as an urban network, Bolivarian militias, friendly civilians, democratic organizations etc., under our influence, be made available to see how we manage to remove the governor.

‘Marulanda’ explains: “For which it is necessary to make some investments or contributions to the teams in charge of the action, in addition to guiding them politically and militarily until the objective is achieved; It is surely not an easy job, but we must start doing it, in case we have nothing advanced in this matter ”.

(Further: Iván Cepeda asks to ‘clarify’ emails from ‘Tirofijo’ about his father)

As for Samper’s trill, in 2019, after the flight logs signed by a pilot of the financier Jeffrey Epstein became known, Andrés Pastrana traveled in the millionaire’s private plane (who committed suicide) on March 20 and 21, In 2003, the ex-president issued a statement in which he began by assuring that he never set foot on the “island of horror”, owned by Epstein, where sexual abuse with minors had been committed.

“In the midst of journalistic revelations about horrifying and reprehensible sex scandals of financier Jeffrey Epstein, the record of a trip of mine on his plane to Nassau (Bahamas) has appeared, for transfer to the final destination of Havana (Cuba), invited by the president Fidel Castro, ”the Pastrana statement reads. And next he notes that“ Mr. Jeffrey Epstein left Cuba a day or two later: I remained on the island ”.

Twitter: @PoliticaET
