The first measures to save Transcaribe | THE UNIVERSAL


Transcaribe will continue to operate in Cartagena despite the financial crisis of the system. This was stated by Mayor William Dau in a statement issued by his office after a meeting he held with representatives of Sotramac, Transambiental, creditors, financiers and the manager of SITM, Sindry Camargo.

At the meeting, the short and long-term solutions proposed with the support of the Government to recover the finances of the Integrated Mass Transportation System were discussed.

In addition to ensuring that the system will continue to function, which has not charged tickets for a week because the collection operator stopped providing the service, Dau said it is still looking for a substantive solution.

“We were talking about immediate-term solutions and discussing longer-term things. At this moment the most urgent thing is to continue operating while it is solved in the background, there was a general feeling that from here we left with a moderate optimism that the light can be seen at the end of the tunnel and not in the very long term, “said the mayor in the notice.

Dau mentioned in the letter some of the first measures that will be implemented to save the system, such as that this Monday, March 29, he will present to the Council a draft agreement for the incorporation of resources to allocate $ 5.9 billion that will cover operating expenses.

Also, from the Ministry of Finance, steps are being taken to define possible sources of income, which allow more resources to be injected into the system.

“We are scraping the pot to see where else you can get. Our Secretary of the Treasury is trying to see where else we can raise or allocate resources for this, ”he said.

“I must state that there is total solidarity from the Council to support the decisions made by the Mayor’s Office, and they will support us. The councilors themselves, on their own initiative, are looking at other sources of financing or income that may already be available ”, added the mayor and revealed that the councilors indicated that, if necessary, they will meet on Holy Days to speed up the process of the project and get other sources of resources.

He also referred to the line of credit that the Government promised to open through Findeter. “In the very short term we have the new credit line, which we hope will be opened by Findeter for a total amount of $ 800 billion for the 7 mass transportation systems of the country, it is expected that the loan line should be ready, plus take, April 15, “he explained. (The nation would support new investments in Transcaribe).

During the meeting, it was agreed to create working groups to discuss situations that affect Transcaribe other than those caused by the pandemic. These meetings will start from next Saturday.

“We dealt with the justified claims of the operators, they require that they be informed in real time and it is a commitment that I made, to be informing them, in such a way that in real time they know what we are doing and how we are doing. The next meeting next Saturday and from then on Saturday after Saturday until we reach something in particular, we set ourselves a goal to set clear and concrete milestones that will continue to inspire greater confidence in all citizens, operators and financiers ”.

“You know that Transcaribe is not going to sink, we are going to save Transcaribe, there is a total agreement of wills of the mayor, the District Council and the national government that reiterated their commitment to Cartagena, both in the Ministry of Transport and Finance, “Dau concluded in the statement.
