The distressing claim of a father for the remains of his daughter


An unfortunate case has been reported in Ocaña, Norte de Santander. “What have they done with the body of my girl?”: The anxious claim of a father for the remains of his daughter.

On April 15, the 22-year-old, Angie Paola Parada, died as a result of some diseases that were associated with the coronavirus.

For several years, this student suffered from respiratory problems and therefore had been admitted to the Nuestra Señora de Torcoroma clinic.

However, despite the fact that this patient’s tests came out negative, her father Jesús Emel Parada was unable to bury her.

He also does not know the whereabouts of his daughter’s remains.

According to health authorities, the young woman was an apparent carrier of the virus.

The event occurred at the Emiro Quintero Cañizares Hospital.

According to the complaint, the body of the young woman was buried secretly from her relatives.

“I want to tell these gentlemen that if they have a heart, tell me what they have done with my girl’s body, why have they bottled it? Because it’s time that I don’t know where the body is. One understands about this pandemic, but I don’t understand why they proceed in this way, ”said Parada.

The heartbroken father said that on April 12 he took his daughter with a back pain to the hospital.

Upon entering the emergency department, he was informed that it was a probable case of coronavirus.

Angie Paola was isolated and the respective tests for Covid-19 were taken.

Two days later, on April 15, the 22-year-old sadly passed away.

Public health never visited or took tests of the relatives of the likely infected.

A week after her death, they do not know where she was buried.

A few days ago, his father was taken to the central cemetery in the company of an apparent Public Health official from the Ocaña mayor’s office to show him the place of his grave.

However, the father never received the information and was instead threatened by the official that if he denounced he would have to pay the mayor the burial expenses.

“I have received threats and they have asked me not to bring the case to public light, they have kidnapped my daughter’s body and they should have the delicacy to tell me where it is and thus at least have peace of mind,” Parada told the newspaper El Tiempo.

“What have they done with the body of my girl?”: The distressing claim of a father for the remains of his daughter


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