“The current government’s soul is infected with drug trafficking”, Iván Márquez and Jesús Santrich


In the text, signed by Márquez, Santrich, Edinson Romaña, Óscar Montero, Aldinerez Morantes and Walder Mendoza, Farc ep, second Marquetalia, they assure that Duque and Álvaro Uribe Vélez ended peace as a strategy.

“This four-year term of Duque on behalf of Uribe, is a curse that is damaging our future in the most irrational and absurd way. When we became excited about the possibility of inaugurating a new era of peace, the Duque-Uribe government made the destruction of the most beautiful dream of Colombians the main objective of its strategy. A couple of crazy people on the loose acting against common sense, who are not only setting the country on fire, but are also seeking, under pressure from Washington, to set the neighborhood on fire, ”the statement said.

They also stated that Iván Duque was elected president “thanks to the money from cocaine trafficking collected by the mobster and money launderer« El Ñeñe Hernández », Uribe’s friend and friend of Duque, anti-narcotics generals and others who made available to him air force planes for their safe movements ”.

The members of the extinct FARC guerrilla, who are now fugitives from justice, assured that both Duque and Uribe “viciously persecute the poor and coca grower peasant, but at the same time they hug with the capo, sing and dance with him and him. invite to the Palace. The current government’s soul is infected with drug trafficking, electoral fraud and vote buying, and its hands are stained with blood ”.

Duque must leave, they explained, because he is an illegitimate president, “because the highest office in the nation was left to him, because he wants to generalize chaos by destroying the balance of powers by incurring public contempt and questioning decisions of the Supreme Court of Justice , because it wants to wipe out the social mobilizations that are shaking the country today, and because Colombia does not want the dictatorship ”.

They wrote about Uribe that he is responsible for the war in the country and accused him of using drug trafficking to stay in power.

“This war that we are living is a war imposed by criminal minds who believe that, by diverting people’s attention to its horrors, they will be able to sink definitively into the pit of impunity and oblivion, the responsibility that falls to Álvaro Uribe Vélez, for decades of paramilitary violence from the state, and simultaneously overshadowing the truth of its alliances with drug trafficking. Drug trafficking and paramilitarism to get to the government, to obstruct justice, to steal the treasury, to unleash corruption, the violent dispossession of land, and the audacity to govern only for the benefit of the powerful. Uribe must have lit candles on the altar of his heart of gratitude to Pablo Escobar, the Ochoa Vásquez and Chapo Guzmán … and the United States government that protects him, ”the statement said.

Colombia, they say in the document, does not want a facho government, “but truly democratic, inclusive, of the people and for the people; a new government of democratic coalition, which guarantees complete peace without betrayals, land titling to peasants, political reform, and a chancellery of peace and brotherhood with Latin America and the Caribbean; a government with clean hands that begins to eradicate the cancer of corruption, that listens to students, women, indigenous people, blacks, the LGTBI population and other discriminated sectors, that restores health to the people and to implement social shock measures aimed at freeing people from poverty ”.
