The creator of the mythical Colombian television comedy Yo y Tú died


Amazon Prime Video

On this platform, Mauricio Velásquez says that his catalog is “incredible”, that it includes classics of all kinds and that although its use is not as intuitive as that of Netflix, it has the plus that it provides information on each production when given pause.

The writer and journalist Diego Agudelo adds that he has a more successful curatorship, especially in films and series. Its offer of “ingenious, imaginative and very well done” productions stands out, including Amazing Stories, Upload and Tales from the loop.

Verónica Heredia, professor-researcher at the University of Medellín, of the School of Communication, highlights that it offers content from Amazon Originals, as well as series and films with third-party licenses.

The series blogger Catalina Serrano It complements that Amazon is not very given to uploading complete chapters and that it does so in batches or episode by episode, “which makes many people wait until the end, when it is complete to see it.” Regarding his series, he highlights that they are aimed at the “nostalgic” of the 90s

Disney +

Its novelty, points out Mauricio Velasquez, based on its catalog and promises, so far it works like the others, but next to Amazon and Netflix “it seems a mini-market that is going to sell out quickly.”

About, Diego Agudelo highlights that Disney + starts with a limited offer that gives the feeling of being aimed at children and young people, “but that is because the bulk of the titles is made up of its Pixar, StarWars and Marvel franchises.”

Finally, the expert Verónica Heredia affirms that although her previous catalog is aimed at children and families, she plans to have a platform for adults (stars). “In 2024, with the purchase of the remaining percentage of Hulu from Comcast, Disney will have a significant leadership in streaming entertainment.” Catalina Serrano highlights the contents of NatGeo with her documentaries.


About its contents and offer, Diego Agudelo He says that “he points to everything: his own productions range from drama, humor or horror miniseries to documentaries of different kinds.”

The blogger of television series Catalina Serrano emphasizes that her offer of films is much broader than that of Amazon or Disney and that on the subject of series her gaze is broader, “it goes beyond the Anglo-Saxon”

About its usability, Mauricio Velasquez he comments that it is very intuitive and redirects the user to his proposal. It is the platform that currently has the highest investment in this category, with 17.3 billion dollars by 2020.

“Regarding content, it differs from the others by its advancing recommendation system, it is perhaps the platform that applies more big data to its business model, makes data-based decisions for the production of new original content,” says the teacher Veronica Heredia.


The coordinator of the audiovisual area of ​​Social Communication of the Eafit University highlights the consistency of catalogs, with the golden series of the new millennium as Six Feet Under, Band of Brother or The Sopranos.

Agudelo, for his part, affirms that he bets on dramatic series of weight that stand out for their casts, for the directors he enlists in the productions and for very well worked scripts.

Verónica Heredia adds that in addition to being the pioneer in consolidating a career in auteur television, her content orientation is mainly fiction series and films for a specialized audience, mainly adults.

His business is associated with cable television, and HBO Go is the extension to the streaming offer.
