The Colombian paradise that would be about to disappear because of a construction


You may not have heard this name, but we are going to tell you about it: Gulf of Tribugá.

The gulf, located in Chocó, with waters that bathe the municipality of Nuquí, is at risk.

A megaproject that seeks to create a port in this natural paradise, threatens the flora and fauna of the Gulf.

On the afternoon of this Wednesday the Departmental Assembly of Chocó, in which, among other issues, will be discussed a draft ordinance that seeks to declare the megaproject of the Port of Tribugá as a work of public utility and social interest.

For this reason, different organizations and members of civil society are protesting so that the project is not carried out, which according to environmentalists, would damage the gulf.

And the fact is that the gulf is one of the few paradises called tropical forests.

Scientists around the world assure that the wealth that exists in its waters and in the land, mangroves and jungle, are very difficult to find elsewhere.

According to organizations such as WCS, MarViva, WWF Colombia, Clinic for the Environment and Public Health of the University of Los Andes, Expedition Tribugá and Manglares Vivos, the port is not necessary, the work would harm marine fauna, it would not contribute to the development of the community and a nearby port would be Buenaventura.

“It is inadmissible to declare a mega-project that would endanger the ecological function of the territory as a public utility. The Port of Tribugá would directly affect 114,438 hectares of protected areas #NoPuertoDeTribuga! “, WWF COLOMBIA assured.
