The clash between Uribe and the JEP for ‘false positives’


The progress of the investigations in the case of the ‘false positives’ that the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) revealed last Thursday and raised to 6,402 victims of this type of homicide between 2002 and 2008 confronted former President Álvaro Uribe and that court of peace.

After knowing the document that detailed the figures, the ex-president defended what his administration did (2002-2010) to prevent extrajudicial executions and he assured that he privileged demobilization and captures over casualties.

Precisely on the subject of figures, Uribe indicated that there was “a disagreement” between the 2,248 cases that the Prosecutor’s Office says and the numbers that the special court just exposedIt considers that this figure corresponds to reports from organizations that have a bias against their governments.

In several statements to different media, Uribe did not make it clear if he would go to the JEP to testify about the false positives. “It is unnecessary for me to answer that. That would be the headline. I’m not interested in the headline going around, I’m interested in the country refreshing memory and remembering all the efforts that were made to improve security, “said the former president in statements.

I always privileged demobilization and capture over casualties, and the results show that in the Government there were 35,000 paramilitaries and 18,000 demobilized guerrillas, ”said Uribe.

The former president recalled that among the actions to achieve more transparency in the Armed Forces in 2008, three generals, four colonels, seven lieutenant colonels, three majors, a captain, a lieutenant and six noncommissioned officers involved in a series of disappearances of civilians who were killed and declared “killed in combat.”

The magistrate

For his part, Eduardo Cifuentes, president of the JEP, clarified that the order of prioritization of the case 03 that speaks of 6,402 extrajudicial executions it does not correspond “to any bias against any Colombian or Colombian. We are a real court ”, since the victims were civilians who“ did not participate in the hostilities and who presented themselves as guerrillas killed in combat ”.

These extrajudicial executions represent one of the greatest atrocities of the Colombian armed conflict. The JEP’s responsibility in this regard is to investigate, judge and punish, ”the magistrate said.

Cifuentes clarified that the figure “is being unequivocally present and refers to those people who were presented as combat casualties throughout the national territory. This is the competence of the JEP and we have to find the most responsible “, He said.

The JEP opened case 03, which corresponds to ‘Illegitimate deaths presented as casualties in combat by State agents’, in July 2018 based on report No. 5 of the Attorney General’s Office, which at the time indicated that there were a total of 2,248 victims of ‘false positives’ between 1988 and 2014; However, the court recognized that the figure announced today differs from the data of institutions such as the investigative entity and pointed out that “the different official and non-governmental sources identified the period from 2002 to 2008 as the one with the highest number of victims.”
